generated: 2025-02-09 09:00:16

Program at a Glance

Wednesday April 9, 2025
1:00 PM - 10:00 PM
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Thursday April 10, 2025
7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
2:30 PM - 3:45 PM
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
5:15 PM - 7:30 PM
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Friday April 11, 2025
7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
2:30 PM - 3:45 PM
3:30 PM - 5:15 PM
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Saturday April 12, 2025
7:00 AM - 1:00 PM
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

SSS Program

Lactation Space
Wednesday | 1:00 pm-10:00 pm | Lactation Space
Safe Space
Wednesday | 1:00 pm-10:00 pm | Symphony Ballroom 7
Sponsored by the Committee on Gender and Sexuality
SSS Executive Committee
Wednesday | 2:00 pm-6:00 pm | Executive Boardroom

Organizers: Dawn T Robinson, University of Georgia; Anthony Peguero, Arizona State University; David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech; Rhiannon Leebrick, Wofford College; Kendra Jason, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; James Maples, ERT; Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College; Earl Wright II, Rhodes College; Ali Sewell, Emory University; James Thomas, University of Mississippi; David G. Embrick, University of Connecticut; Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Marisela Martinez-Cola, Morehouse College; Brandon Jackson, John Jay College, CUNY; Cameron Lippard, Appalachian State University;
Wednesday | 4:00 pm-6:00 pm | Symphony Foyer
On-Site Registration
Wednesday | 4:00 pm-6:00 pm | Symphony Foyer
Welcome Reception and Meet the Candidates
Wednesday | 5:30 pm-8:30 pm | CJs
Meet the Candidates Event
Lactation Space
Thursday | 7:00 am-9:00 pm | Lactation Space
Safe Space
Thursday | 7:00 am-9:00 pm | Symphony Ballroom 7
Sponsored by the Committee on Gender and Sexuality
First-Time Attendee Coffee with the President
Thursday | 7:30 am-8:30 am | Symphony Foyer
Thursday | 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Symphony Foyer
On-Site Registration
Thursday | 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Symphony Foyer
Thursday | 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Symphony Foyer
SSS Finance Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Executive Boardroom
1. Economic Sociology 1 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 1

Presider: Shih-Hao Lin, Virginia Tech
  • Domestic Migration and Wealth Accumulation in Unified Germany Moshe Semyonov, University of Illinois-Chicago; Noah Lewin-Epstein, Tel-Aviv University; and Christian Czymara, University of Frankfurt
  • Effects of Undocumented Immigrants: A Study on Employment & Wage Data Brant Theodore de Groot, Wake Forest University
  • Examining Child Tax Credit Payment Recipience and Use AJ Likosar, Virginia Tech University
  • Post-Materialist Value in East Asia and North America from 2005 to 2022 Shih-Hao Lin, Virginia Tech; and Thung-Hung Lin, National TsingHua University
2. Aging and Health Disparities [Paper Session]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 2

Presider: Golam Morshed Suhel, University of Memphis
  • Culturally Appropriate Care in Rural Nursing Homes: A Comparative Ethnographic Study Anastacia Schulhoff , Appalachian State University
  • What Gets Under the Skin: Exploring Social Trauma and Cultural Cohesion in Health and Quality of Life among Older Asian Americans Su Choe, Georgia State University
  • Disparities in Nutritional Food Access and African Americans’ Health Status in the United States Golam Morshed Suhel, University of Memphis
3. Racial Appraisals, Conceptualization, and Attitudes 1 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 3

Organizer: Raj Ghoshal, Elon University
Presider: Raj Ghoshal, Elon University
  • Racialized Transactionalism: The Racial Politics of Giving and Receiving in the Black Panther Party’s Food Distribution Work Malia Hamilton, North Carolina State University
  • Critically Conscious but Uncertain: Asian Americans’ Perceptions of Racism at Work Allison Sullivan, Emory University
  • Who is Black? Black Americans’ Appraisals of Blackness Raj Ghoshal, Elon University
  • “I Was Always Very Aware That I Was a White Person in a Black Space”: White Adults’ Racial Identity Work Madeleine Straubel, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
4. Asia and Asian America 1 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 4

Presider: Jingyi Zuo, North Carolina State University
  • The Link between the Post-Islamist Trends and Neoliberal Spirit Obydullah Al Marjuk, University of South Florida
  • The (Non)Evolution of Carceral Technologies in the Philippines Alex Gandhi Mojica, Wake Forest University
  • From Training to Bypassing: Understanding NGO Interventions in Cambodian Policing Maya Kapoor, University of North Carolina-Wilmington; and Mary-Collier Wilks, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
  • Exploring Gender Difference and Trends in Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Transitional China: 1978 to 2018 Jingyi Zuo, North Carolina State University
5. Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology - Digital [Paper Session]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 5

Presider: Opeyeoluwa Daniel Alade, West Virginia University
  • Insta-Famous or Invisible: Social Media and College Students' Digital Legitimacy Katherine Furl, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Parasocial Paternalism and Embodied Advice: How Beauty Interventions are Marketed on TikTok Katherine Furl, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Addison Lewis, Cardozo School of Law; Hinal Patel, Wake Forest University; and Siya Patel, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Political Claimsmaking and Emotional Expression Deana Rohlinger, Florida State University; Christian Vaccaro, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Maria Cristina Ramos, Florida State University; and Brian McKernan,
  • Post-Apocalyptic Racialized Fetishism and Gendered Sexual Scripting in The 100 Fan Fiction Shantel Gabrieal Buggs, Florida State University
6. Art of Publishing: A Conversation with Journal Editors
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 6

  • J. Scott Carter, University of Central Florida;
  • Cameron Lippard, Appalachian State University;
Ad Hoc Social Media Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Le Meridien Private Dining Room
7. Separate but Definitely NOT Equal: Roads to Restoration and Equity [Panel]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 1

Organizer: Laurie Corley Porter, Johnson C. Smith University
Presider: Laurie Corley Porter, Johnson C. Smith University
  • Gabrielle Rice, Wake Forest University
  • Laurie Corley Porter, Johnson C. Smith University
  • Guy Mount, Wake Forest University
  • Melvin Herring, Johnson C. Smith University
  • Cindy Kistenberg, Johnson C. Smith University
8. Engaging Activities and Assignments to Equip Students for the Future [Panel]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 2

Organizer: Stephanie L Bradley, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Presider: Stephanie L Bradley, University of North Carolina-Charlotte

  • Patrick McGrady, University of New Haven;
  • Teresa Roach, Florida State University;
  • Erica Toothman, University of South Florida;
  • Stephanie L Bradley, University of North Carolina-Charlotte;
9. Appalachia/South Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Unveiling the Link: Health Care Access and Deviant Behavior in Rural Communities Kara Mechell Myers, Middle Tennessee State University
  • Rural Sexual Minority Health: Examining Environmental, Social, and Cultural Factors Linked to Cancer and CVD-related Disparities Brandi Woodell, Old Dominion University
10. Crime, Law, and Deviance Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Hidden Perspectives Among Officers and Unhoused Individuals Chloe Davenport, Middle Tennessee State University
  • Sociological Factors that Determine the Acceptability of Age Disparate Relationships in Fictional Media from 1956 to Present Day Alexis Meridieth Carpenter, Middle Tennessee State University
11. Organizations, Occupations, and Work Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Working for Pay in the VIP: Workers’ Experiences with Appearance Expectations in Nightlife Sara Yamadi, North Carolina State University; and Virginia Riel, North Carolina State University
  • Queering the Professional: LGBTQ+ Identity Negotiation on LinkedIn Colby R. Kopf, University of Central Florida; and Amanda Koontz, University of Central Florida
12. Rationality and Society Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Justice Redefined: Postmodernism in the Ancient World Michael Royster, Prairie View A&M University
13. Global and Transnational Sociology Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3

Presider: Derek Scott Richardson, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Global Health, Local Trust: How Foreign and Local Physicians Establish and Maintain Trust when Treating Patients in Cambodian NGOs Derek Scott Richardson, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Representation of (hijra) Transgender: A Thematic Analysis of Bangladeshi Television Drama Md Mahbub Alam, University of Central Florida
14. Dialectical Materialism and the Future of Sociology: Evolving Tools for Social Equity and Justice [Workshop]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 1

Organizer: Arelia Johnson, Howard University
15. JEDI Mini-conference: Unveiling Pathways: Fostering Social Capital and Belonging for Black Women in STEM – Strategies for Success and Empowerment [Workshop]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 2

Organizers: Joanna Hunter, Radford University; Dresden Lackey, Wofford College;
Presider: La'Ree Shontee, University of Louisville
16. Community and Urban Sociology [Paper Session]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 3

Presider: Jo DeRouen, University of Louisiana-Lafayette
  • New Porch, New Problems: The Compounding Negative Effects of Multiple Moves on Children Ian G. Almond, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Framing Urban Planning: A case study of small-city urban planning problems and municipal solutions in Charlottesville, Virginia Claire Veronica Wood, Virginia Tech
  • Nurturing Connections: Examining Social Cohesion in Improving Mental Health and Food Access Among Chronically Ill Adults Eryn L McCullough, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Elizabeth Baker, University of Alabama-Birmingham; and Catheryn Orihuela, University of Alabama-Birmingham
  • The Application of an Interdisciplinary Disaster Research Method: Reflective Listening Visualization Jo DeRouen, University of Louisiana-Lafayette
17. AMCR: Racial Realism and the History of Black People in America [Author-Meets-Curious-Readers]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 4

Organizer: Lori Latrice Martin, Louisiana State University
Presider: Maretta McDonald, Virginia Tech

  • Dominique Dillard, Louisiana State University;
  • Melinda Jackson-Jefferson, Nicholls State University;
  • Brianne Alexandra Painia, University of Chicago;
  • Mahalia Catina Crawford, University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa;
  • Maretta McDonald, Virginia Tech;
  • Maretta McDonald, Virginia Tech; " "
18. Crime, Law, and Deviance & Organizations, Occupations & Work [Paper Session]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 5

Presider: Ugur Orak, Middle Tennessee State University
  • Charismatic Leadership and Corporate Masculinity in the Case of Enron: Dictionary Creation and Sociolinguistic Analysis Adam Goldfarb, North Carolina State University
  • Demographics, Complexity, and Control: Testing Agency Predictors of Latent Homicide-by-Police Sarah V. Fry, Northwestern Oklahoma State University
  • Readjustment Difficulties and Criminal Offending among U.S. Military Veterans Ugur Orak, Middle Tennessee State University
19. Race & Sex/Gender [Paper Session]
Thursday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 6

Presider: Jessica Pfaffendorf, North Carolina State University
  • Gender as Labor: Masculinity as Extracting Femininity Capital Julia Meszaros, Texas A&M Commerce
  • Measuring a Five-Factor Model on DEI Climate: An Assessment of DEI Campus Climate by Gender and Tenure Track Status Wonmai Punksungka, George Mason University; and Shannon N. Davis, George Mason University Korea
  • An Exploratory Look into the Increasing Visibility of Queer-themed Content: Dhaka-Based, Youth-Dominated Social Media Platforms Mashaekh Hassan, Florida Atlantic University
  • Us Adults Sex Education Experiences: The Good, Bad, and Ugly Kennedy Noel Burns , University of Southern Mississippi
  • From Doubling Down to Winding Down? Exploring Capitulatory Masculinities in the Face of Social Change Jessica Pfaffendorf, North Carolina State University; and Terrence Hill, University of Texas-San Antonio
SSS Site Selection Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Executive Boardroom

Organizers: Lisa Walker, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech; Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College; Dawn T Robinson, University of Georgia; Kendra Jason, University of North Carolina-Charlotte;
20. Economic Sociology 2 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 1

Presider: Fahim Tahsan, Oklahoma State University
  • Commodifying Carceral Connection: Commercial Realism and the Privatization of Prison Telecom in the United States Alexander Kinney, Sam Houston State University; Lydia Bundick, Sam Houston State University; Nicholas Rowland, Penn State Altoona; and Nathan Kruis, Penn State Altoona
  • War and Crime: White Collar Crime in Conflict Areas Ori Swed, Texas Tech University; and Samuel Howell, Texas Tech University
  • "I Was More Likely to Get a Spot": College Students' Housing Application Experiences Virginia Riel, North Carolina State University; and Olivia Ball, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
  • Morphological Changes of Padma River and Its Impact on Livelihood Pattern Using Satellite Imageries: A Case-based Study Fahim Tahsan, Oklahoma State University
  • Impact of Salinity on Food Security: A Case Study in Coastal Bangladesh Fahim Tahsan, Oklahoma State University
21. Aging, Families & Youth [Paper Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 2

Presider: Colin Campbell, East Carolina University
  • The Health and Well-being of Grandparents Living with Grandchildren. Tze-Li Hsu, Sam Houston State University; and Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama-Birmingham
  • Childhood Adversity as a Risk Factor for Dementia: Family Dysfunction and the Change of Phosphorylated Tau among Middle-Age African American Women YU-WEN LU, University of Georgia; Ronald Simons, University of Georgia; Man Kit Lei, University of Georgia; and Leslie Gordon Simons, University of Georgia
  • Coresidence with Adult Children and Subjective Well-Being among Older adults in China: The Role of Parent-Child Relationship Haiyan Zhu, Virginia Tech; and Danan Gu, United Nations
  • Stability and Change in Access to Social Support among Older Adults Colin Campbell, East Carolina University
22. Racial Appraisals, Conceptualization, and Attitudes 2 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 3

Organizer: Raj Ghoshal, Elon University
Presider: Raj Ghoshal, Elon University
  • Racial Appraisals When Cues Conflict Mason Carter, Elon University
  • Through Different Lenses: Lived Experiences and Perceptions of Racial Inequalities in the American South Savannah Avery, University of Mississippi
  • Redrawing Racial Boundaries: How Arab American Women Contest Racialization Unna Yared, Georgia Military College
  • “I’m a Biracial Person Who Looks White in a Black Man’s Rap Game”: Unpacking Expressions of (Multi)Racial Vulnerability in Logic’s “Everybody” Matthew Oware, University of Richmond
23. Asia and Asian America 2 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 4

Presider: Yi Rong, University of Florida
  • Intra-racial Perceptions and Identity Dynamics: Asian American Views on Stereotypes, Affirmative Action, and Ethnic-Racial Socialization Anqi Hu, Emory University
  • Reframing “marriage refusal” in East Asia Caitlin Elizabeth Meagher, University of North Carolina-Asheville
  • How are Asian Americans Racialized through Legislative Language in the 2023 State Alien Land Bills? Alex Lien Thomas, Virginia Tech
  • No choice but survival: Case studies of disaster resilience and climate change in three Filipino coastal communities Nicole Yvonne Zdrojewski`, Virginia Tech
  • Cohabitation Satisfaction in Contemporary China Yi Rong, University of Florida
24. Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology & Crime/Law/Deviance [Paper Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 5

Presider: Bryan Herpfer, Appalachian State University
  • From ’The Loss of the Innocents’ to ‘Crisis Actors’: Media Portrayal of Rampage School Shootings From 1998-2021 Justice Elizabeth Greene, Virginia Tech
  • Consumer Perspectives on True Crime Media Kailee E.D. Lancaster, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
  • The Acceptance of Violence: A Gramscian Analysis Matthew John Costello, Clemson University
  • Selling Video Game Currency for Profit Leslie-Dawn Quick, Marshall University
  • Is There a Structural Voice?: Coding Egalitarian and Inegalitarian Narratives in Editorial Coverage of Crime Bryan Herpfer, Appalachian State University
25. Flash Talks [Paper Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 6
  • Code Against Crime: Using Artificial Intelligence to Watch and Reduce Drug-Related Crime in Memphis, TN Rosina Owusu Panin, University of Memphis
  • Co-Teaching African American Families course at a Predominantly White Institution Jessica D. McCarty, University of South Alabama
  • Navigating Imposter Syndrome among First-Generation College Students Kayla Skye Klurman, Davidson College
  • Harriet Martineau and Response to the Threat to Public Schools Susan Weaver, University of the Cumberlands
  • Inclusive Leadership, Sense of Belonging, and Education Adenife Modile, Coker University; and Adjetey Klufio, Coker University
  • Gaming Representation: A Sociological Investigation. Dallis Leno Wallace, University of Kentucky
Committee on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Meeting [Meeting]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Le Meridien Private Dining Room
26. Liberation Sociology: Antecedents & Future Directions [Panel]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 1

Organizer: Shaonta Allen, Dartmouth College

  • Brittney Miles, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaig;
  • Corey Miles, Tulane University;
  • Letisha Engracia Cardoso Brown, University of Cincinnati;
27. Work Values in Comparative Perspectives [Paper Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 2

Organizer: Yang Cao, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • Institutional Identity Discrepancies: Authenticity and Verification in the Workplace Benjamin Cape Fields, University of California-Riverside
  • Emerging Trends in Work Orientations in the US and China: Myth or Reality? Yang Cao, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • Research on Work Ethic and the Importance of Engaging Social Theories Yu Guo, Mercer University
28. Asia and Asian America Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Authentic Identity through Brands Sol Addison, Elon University
29. Children and Youth Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Perceptions of School Safety Vaun Baltimore, Middle Tennessee State University
  • Single Parenting in Higher Education Lilly Sophie Kirk-Aigner, Wofford College; and Rhiannon Leebrick, Wofford College
30. International Migration Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Protector or Pacifier? The Role of the State in Regulating Artificial Intelligence Rianka Roy, Wake Forest University
31. Sociology of Education Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Public Elementary Education in Buenos Aires: Law Versus Reality Nora Isabel Fenn Gilman, Davidson College
  • Advising Students at a 2-year College with Bachelor's Degrees: A Hybrid Model Blane DaSilva, USC Sumter
32. Applied Sociology Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Farmer Stress and Co-operative Solidarity: A qualitative analysis Thomas Gray, Program on Co-operatives, RD, USDA
33. Perceptions and Experiences of Discrimination and Microaggression [Thematic Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 1

Organizer: Lauren Valentino, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Presider: Lauren Valentino, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Microaggressions as Status Based Insults Malissa Alinor, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • When are Interactions Labeled as Racial/Ethnic Microaggressions? Amie Bostic, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley
  • How White People Decide What's Racist and Sexist Jessi Streib, Duke University
  • Local Interracial Interactions Under Transnational Scrutiny on Social Media Tianhao Zhang, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
34. Re-imagining the Future of Work
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 2

Organizer: Malissa Alinor, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • "We have this whole new profession now” Intimacy Coordinators and the Restructuring of Hollywood Workspaces in the Aftermath of the #MeToo Movement Courtney Bell, George Mason University
  • The Gendered Effects of Education Neoliberalism: Elite Mothers’ Strategies for Role Accumulation Emily Lynn Tingle, University of Georgia; Ziding Shen, University of Georgia; and Tenshi Kawashima, University of Georgia
  • Work Inequities for STEM faculty at a Minority Serving Institution Marni Brown, Georgia Gwinnett College; Chantelle Anfuso, Georgia Gwinnett College; Sonal Dekhane, Georgia State University; and Kyungsoon Wang, Georgia Gwinnett College
35. Community and Urban Sociology - Applied [Paper Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 3

Presider: David Russell Zeller, University of Tampa
  • Placemaking in Jacksonville, Florida: The Growth, Death and Hopeful Regeneration of Urban Spaces. Rachel Reed, University of North Florida
  • Examining Bureaucratic Barriers in Rural Public Housing Anngel Paige Gallihar, The University of Virginia at Wise; and Katherine Everhart, The University of Virginia at Wise
  • Efficacy of Effort: Analyzing Perspectives on Organizational Capacity and Social Change David Russell Zeller, University of Tampa
36. AMCR/JEDI Mini-conference: Fallacies of Racism [Author-Meets-Curious-Readers]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 4

Organizers: Joanna Hunter, Radford University; Dresden Lackey, Wofford College;
Presider: Dresden Lackey, Wofford College

  • Jennifer Sims, University of Alabama in Huntsville;
  • Yang Gao, Furman University;
  • Monisha Jackson, Georgia State University;
  • CC Cannon, Emory University;
37. Crime, Law, and Deviance & Race/Ethnicity 1 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 5

Presider: Laura Margaret DeMarco, North Carolina State University
  • Calculated Kindness: Homonationalism, Sexual Orientation Asylum, and the Queer Security “Threat” Sarah Pedigo Kulzer, Shenandoah University
  • “It seems like the system has a few favorites”: Factors that affect American attitudes about Racial and Economic bias in the Criminal Justice System. Mary Katherine McAdams, Southwestern University
  • Intersectional Inequalities in Hiring: Effects of Gender and a Criminal Record John Targett, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • From Campus Safety to Surveillance: Racialized Messaging and the College-Prison Nexus at PWIs and HBCUs Madeline Brock, Mississippi State University
  • Unequal Health at the End of Emerging Adulthood: The Timing of Criminal Legal System Contact and Childbearing Laura Margaret DeMarco, North Carolina State University; and Sadé Lindsay, Cornell University
38. Race, Gender, and Class & Education [Paper Session]
Thursday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 6

Presider: Derrick R. Brooms, Morehouse College
  • From CRT to LGBT: Teaching Sociology in an Anti-DEI Era Michael John Bossick, Central Piedmont Community College; and Ansha Wilds, Central Piedmont Community College
  • Tech Ties: Black Women's Pathways to Computer Science Majors Bailey Alexandra Brown, Spelman College; and Amber Reed, Spelman College
  • Growth of science identity in the biology major Elizabeth Stearns, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Svetlana Masjutina, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Experiences of Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education Valentina Silardi, Davidson College; and Olivia Rose Norten, Davidson College
  • Supporting Black Men’s Collegiate Success at HBCUs: A Sociocultural Perspective Derrick R. Brooms, Morehouse College
Food Trucks
Thursday | 11:00 am-1:30 pm | Parking Lot
39. Sociology of the Future [Presidential Plenary]
Thursday | 11:30 am-12:45 pm | Symphony Ballroom 4

Organizer: Dawn T Robinson, University of Georgia
Presider: Jody Clay-Warner, University of Georgia
Our social landscape is experiencing rapid and profound shifts fueled by political crises, technological advancement, climate change, health emergencies and other seismic events. This panel will feature early career scholars doing cutting edge sociological work on issues of misinformation, polarization, the science of discrimination, immigration, and health, and the consequences of mass incarceration. The panelists will then have a conversation about how we might best use sociology’s toolkit to help society navigate these challenges. Moderator: Jody Clay-Warner is Meigs Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Director of the Owens Institute for Behavioral Research at the University of Georgia. Her research examines individual and institutional responses to injustice, with particular interest in pay allocation and gendered violence. She is the recipient of the SSS Teaching Award, ASA Section on Emotion’s Outstanding Book Award, and the Pacific Sociological Association’s Best Article Award. She is a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology. Panelists: Malissa Alinor is Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She researches how racial and gender discrimination disrupt our lives and how organizational policies shape workplace and labor market inequalities. Dr. Alinor holds a PhD and MA in sociology from the University of Georgia and a BA, summa cum laude, from the University of Florida. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab. Scott Duxbury is Associate Professor and the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Sociology at UNC—Chapel Hill. Scott’s research focuses on computational social science, social networks, mass incarceration, racism, policy processes, illegal markets and organized crime, and quantitative methods. It has appeared in outlets such as American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, and Criminology, among other outlets. Scott is the author of the Sage little green book, Longitudinal Network Models. Matthew Facciani is a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Notre Dame in the Computer Science and Engineering Department and has a PhD in Sociology from The University of South Carolina. His research interests include media literacy, identities, social networks, political polarization, misinformation, and artificial intelligence. His forthcoming book, Misguided: Where Misinformation Starts, how it spreads, and What to Do About It, will be published by Columbia University Press. Thoa Khuu is an NIH K99/R00 fellow at Penn State's Population Research Institute. An immigration scholar, she uses a blend of demographic and social network methods to examine how institutional and social structures shape disparities in the health, education, and friendship patterns of immigrants and their children. Her work has been funded by the NIH and NSF and appears in journals like Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Population Research and Policy Review, and International Migration Review.

  • Malissa Alinor, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill;
  • Scott Duxbury, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill;
  • Matthew Facciani, University of Notre Dame;
  • Thoa Khuu, Pennsylvania State University;
Status of Students Committee
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Executive Boardroom

Organizers: Anthony Jerome Stone Jr., University of Memphis; Kierra Nicole Toney, University of Cincinnati; Earl Wright II, Rhodes College; Alex Montgomery, Purdue University; Keyu Zhou, Tulane University; Deven Douglas, University of Georgia; Anna Della Rosa, University of Memphis;
40. Collective Behavior and Social Movements & Communication 1 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 1

Presider: Sara Tehrani, University of Central Florida
  • Curating Conservatives: Using Platforms to Create A Closed-Loop of Information Deana Rohlinger, Florida State University
  • Creating Engaging Content: Content Repertoires, Shifting Political Contexts, and Engagement with Environmental and Racial Justice Organizations on Instagram, 2013-2023 Thomas Maher, Clemson University; Kylah Rainey, Clemson University; Delaney Winn, Clemson University; Callie Booden, Clemson University; and Kolin Hood, Clemson University
  • Waves Under the Surface—LGBTQ Organizations during the Dark Times Yuxin Zhao, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Social Media as a Battleground: A Qualitative Analysis of the Representation and Resistance of Feminist Activism in Bangladesh Resat Amin, florida atlantic univerisity
  • Media Portrayals of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women in U.S. News Sara Tehrani, University of Central Florida; and Shannon Carter, University of Central Florida
41. The Effect of Redevelopment and gentrification on Low Income Populations [Thematic Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 2

Organizer: Stephanie Southworth, Coastal Carolina University
Presider: Stephanie Southworth, Coastal Carolina University
  • Just Go Away: Reducing the Visibility of Homelessness in a Redeveloping City Stephanie Southworth, Coastal Carolina University; and Sara Brallier, Coastal Carolina University
  • Contested Public Space and the Displacement of Street Vendors in Downtown Panama. Maria Luisa Amado, Guilford College
  • Community First: Disaster Risk, Displacement, and Gentrification in Rural South Carolin JJ McCauley, Coastal Carolina University; and Jennifer Mokos, Coastal Carolina University
  • Charlotte Airport Expansion and Its Impact on Workers and The Community Courtney James Brown, SEIU32BJ; and Jacob Pittman, SEIU 32BJ
  • Sara Brallier, Coastal Carolina University; " "
42. Sociology is alive and well! [Special Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 3

Organizer: Deninne Pritchett, Central Piedmont Community College
  • Ladies at the Helm: Navigating the Engineering Gender Gap Hailey Trautman, Central Piedmont CC
  • The Illusion of Sucess: How Meritocracy Fails to Reward Hard Work Camille Bassett, Central Piedmont CC
  • The Hidden Cost of Fast Fashion: Sociological Perspective on Inequality and Exploitation Itala Flores, Central Piedmont CC
  • Gig Workers on Autopilot: How Algorithms Shape Our Workforce Erin Trautman, Central Piedmont CC
43. Asia and Asian America and International Sociology [Paper Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 4

Presider: Komal Dhillon-Jamerson, Virginia Tech
  • 'My fiancée is very much a world citizen': Gendered Orientalist Habitus and White Women’s Account of WWAM Relationships Nora Kim, University of Mary Washington; and Zoe Hanrahan, University of Mary Washingto
  • Class, Capital, and Caste: The Persistence of Arranged Marriages in the Indian Diaspora. Shinjini Roy, Louisiana State University
  • Desire, Race, and Affiliative Ethnic Identity Among White Spouses Married to South Asians in the U.S. Louise Ly, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Cultural Imperialism and Neocolonialism in Bollywood: Intersections of Color, Caste, Class and Gender Komal Dhillon-Jamerson, Virginia Tech
44. Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology 1 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 5

Presider: Kylie Parrotta, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
  • Hashtag Blessed: Performances of White Femininity and Consumption on TikTok Amanda Hernandez, Southwestern University; and Sarah Ventimiglia, Southwestern University
  • "Exploring Relationships: Lessons from Memoir Using Microsoft Copilot as a Tutor Outside the Classroom" Douglas Engelman, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
  • "Arstotska Welcomes You": Student Engagement with Videogame-Based Learning in Sociology Classrooms David Kirschner, Georgia Gwinnett College; and Heather Fiore, Georgia Gwinnett College
  • Status Characteristics and Entitativity Anita Blanchard, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Evelyn Yang, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Jordan Duran, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • An Experimental Examination of Trauma Informed Computing and Security Kylie Parrotta, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo; Dongfeng Phoenix Fang, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo; and Ellie Zeller, California Polytechnic State University -San Luis Obispo
45. Disaster futures and the future of disaster studies Mini-conference: Developing Innovative Methods to Confront Emerging Disaster Challenges [Mini-Conference]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 6

Organizers: Adam Michael Straub, Rowan University; Elvis Effah, Virginia Tech; Afsana Kona, Virginia Tech; A B M Nurullah, Virginia Tech;
Presider: Elvis Effah, Virginia Tech
  • The Impact of Event Scale as an Indicator of Disaster-Related Psychosocial Stress: Comparing Across Multiple Events Duane A. Gill, Virginia Tech; and Liesel Ritchie, Virginia Tech
  • Public Perceptions of Recreancy across three organizations in Texas following the Winter Storm Uri disaster Liesel Ritchie, Virginia Tech; J. Micah Roos, Virginia Tech; Duane A. Gill, Virginia Tech; and Kate Hamilton,
  • Climate Change, Heritage Vulnerabilities and Mitigations in Coastal Communities of Ghana Elvis Effah, Virginia Tech
  • Cops and Climate Catastrophes: How Police Respond to Environmental Disasters Meghan A. Watts, North Carolina State University
Honors Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Le Meridien Private Dining Room
46. Sociologists Practicing Activism (sponsored by the SSS Committee on Sociological Practice) [Panel]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 1

Organizer: Dale Wimberley, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Presider: Kimberly Kelly, Mississippi State University
  • We Say Gay: Sociological Insights from Fighting Queer Censorship in Florida Hailey McGee, Florida State University
  • From Podcasting to Praxis: Exploration of Inequality in Black America via the Broke-ish® Podcast Erika Brown, Texas Woman's University
  • Marxism, Radical Labor Movements, and Public Sector Labor Unionism in Florida Jordan W. Scott, Florida State University
  • Building and Sustaining a Movement Against Police-ICE Collaboration in Knoxville, Tennessee Meghan Conley, University of Tennessee
  • Pandemic praxis: Health activism, self-advocacy, and caring pedagogy Amanda Kennedy, Curry College
47. Race and Romantic Relationships [Paper Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 2

Organizer: Vanessa Gonlin, University of Georgia
Presider: Vanessa Gonlin, University of Georgia
  • The Waiting Game: Black Christian Women and Online Dating Sarah Adeyinka-Skold, Loyola Marymount University
  • Wealth-Building, Resource Sharing, and Superwomaning: The Economic Centrality of Middle-Class Black Women to their Households Kathryn Wiley, Clemson University
  • “I’m Too Young to Settle”: Partnering Preferences and Conceptions of Marriageability Among Modern Black Professionals Marbella Eboni Hill, North Carolina State University
48. Health disparities Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Exploring food insecurity among college students Mary Wanjoya, Augusta University; Candace Griffith, Augusta University; and Nicole Peritore, Augusta University
49. Political Sociology Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Unearthing Core Human Bonds in America: An examination of the impact of politically orchestrated division in today’s society. Glenn S. Coffey, WDC Legal and Strategic Consultants
  • Constitution Day Survey
50. Race, Gender, and Class Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Learning Beyond the Stereotypes: Investigating the Impact of Masculinity and Athletic Participation on the Academic Performance of HBCU Male Students Stephanie Compton, Grambling State University; Jaylie Camille White, Grambling State University; and Junior Hopwood, Grambling State University
  • Biphobia: An Exploration of Mental Health and Social Media Representation Matine Renee Haizlip , Middle Tennessee State University
  • "Obama was voted president by white people": Predictors of Americans' Perceptions of Racism Emily Grace Dimiceli, Southwestern University
51. Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Unplugged Learning: Assessing the Impact of Phone-Free Classrooms on Student Engagement and Academic Performance Darius Joel McKenzie, University of Mount Olive
52. Gender and Work Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Shifting the Lens: Reframing a Gendered Profession to Recruit Young Women to Engineering Emily Gwen Blosser, University of Louisiana-Lafayette
  • Do Job Ads in Construction Have a 'Man'-date? Uncovering Gendered Language That Builds Barriers Breana Marie Lambert, University of Central Florida
53. Teachers Writing About Teaching: Public Narratives and the Future of Sociology [Workshop]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 1

Organizers: Sarah Shannon, University of Georgia; Diana Graizbord, University of Georgia; Stephanie Hanus-Knapp, University of Georgia; Natalia Natalia Pires De Vasconcelos, University of Georgia; Shelby Lynn Clark, University of Georgia; Olivia Terese Francis, University of Georgia; Kylie Smith, University of Georgia;
54. JEDI Mini-conference: Framing Diversity in Higher Education [Paper Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 2

Organizers: Joanna Hunter, Radford University; Dresden Lackey, Wofford College;
Presider: Joanna Hunter, Radford University
  • Not Diverse, Just Black: An Infracategorical Consideration of Diversity Frames in U.S Law and Higher Education Michaela McMillian Jenkins, Emory University
  • Enhancing Campus Community via Authentic Storytelling and Listening: The Diversity Dialogues Project Annika Wilcox, East Stroudsburg University; Hanif Bey, East Stroudsburg University; and Salimata Fall, East Stroudsburg University
  • Toward a New Conceptual Framework: Employing a Black Feminist Approach to the Recruitment and Retention of Black Women Faculty in Health and Medical Degree Programs Jeannette Marie Wade, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
55. Community and Urban Sociology & Crime/Law/Deviance [Paper Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 3

Presider: Hyunsu Oh, Louisiana State University
  • How effective is it? Comparative Analysis on Traffic Stop Training Marlon JaQuan McBride, University of Central Florida
  • Police Misconduct and Accountability: A Case Study of NYC’s Civilian Complaint Review Board Sophia Abigail Ludt, Davidson College
  • Racial Dynamics and Hate Crimes: A Community-Level Investigation in Chicago Judith Amegbe, Louisiana State University; and Hyunsu Oh, Louisiana State University
56. AMCR: Surviving Trauma and the Prison Industrial Complex: Stories of Resilience among Trans Men [Special Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 4

Presiders: Baker Rogers, Georgia Southern University; Sarah Rogers, University of South Carolina;
57. Crime, Law, and Deviance & Race/Ethnicity 2 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 5

Presider: Alyssa Nicole Gentri, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
  • How Race Mediates the Relationship Between Attorney Type and Sentencing Outcomes in North Carolian Felony Convictions Jacob Stewart Church, Jacksonville State University
  • Unfair Police Stops and Skin Tone, Ethnic Origin, and Citizenship Status among Latino Adults Ryan Talbert, University of Connecticut
  • Gender Equality, Firearm Restrictions, and Rates of Intimate Partner Homicide and Domestic Violence Mass Shootings, 2014-2020 Kait Boyle, University of South Carolina; and Tara Sutton, Mississippi State University
  • Navigating Intersectionality: Participant Needs in an Adult Drug Treatment Court Alyssa Nicole Gentri, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
58. Race, Gender, and Class 1 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 6

Presider: Derrick R. Brooms, Morehouse College
  • Day at the Museum: Unraveling Entanglements of Darwinian Logic at the ANMH Trevor Jamerson, Virginia Tech
  • "DEI is just veiled racism against white people": Americans Attitudes About Anti-DEI Bills in Higher Education Chelsey Vianee Rocha, Southwestern University
  • Forever Marginal: Understanding Narratives of Dual Identities and What It Means to be Outside of Boundaries Erin Boyle, Virginia Tech
  • Black American College Student Voices: Identity, Media Consumption, and Mental Health Arianna Cheri Younger, University of Southern Mississippi
  • The Dual Dilemma of Being Black and Male in the Academy: An Autoethnographic Counter-narrative Derrick R. Brooms, Morehouse College
Gender and Sexuality Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Executive Boardroom
59. Collective Behavior and Social Movements & Communication 2 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 1

Presider: Todd Schroer, University of Southern Indiana
  • Constructing Difference: Performative False Consciousness Craig Boylstein, Coastal Carolina University
  • APPROACHES TO CLIMATE ACTIVISM: LEFTISTS AND NEOLIBERAL PERSPECTIVES Kamala Shrestha, Oklahoma State University; and Golasa sadat Haji mirzaei, Oklahoma State University
  • Exploring Girlhood Culture on TikTok Sarah Jo Blake, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
  • The Evolution of Hate and Technology: The White Supremacist Movement’s Use of Computers, the Internet, and Social Media Todd Schroer, University of Southern Indiana
60. Appalachia and Collective Behavior [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 2

Presider: Emalee Faith Money, Virginia Tech
  • Public Hearings and Environmental Justice: How Language Is Utilized as a Tool of Power Danielle Melvin Koonce, University of Maryland College Park
  • Battling, Building, Bracketing and Bridging: How Leftist, Southern Social Movements Interact With Media Braxton Brewington, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Local Environmental Resistance and Quiescence: A Comparative Case Study of Environmental Mobilization in the U.S. South Landen Gambill Longest, North Carolina State University
  • What’s mine isn’t yours, but what’s yours is definitely mine: University student use of Cherokee Indian culture in identity formation Emalee Faith Money, Virginia Tech
61. Sociology: Here, now, and beyond! [Special Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 3

Organizer: Deninne Pritchett, Central Piedmont Community College
  • Sociological Implications of COVID-19 Lockdown Effects on Canine Health and Behavior Daria Yushchenko, Central Piedmont CC
  • Returning Dignity: Reforming Repatriation Legislation for Tribal Empowerment Amanda Sanchez, Central Piedmont CC
  • Social Engagement and Mental Health Sophia Valero, Central Piedmont CC
  • What It Feels Like: Understanding the Non-Consensual Nature of Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse Tiffany Patrice Zamora, Central Piedmont Community College
62. Asia and Asian America and Race/Ethnicity [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 4

Presider: Louise Ly, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Racialized Cultural Capital among Transracially Adopted and Second-Generation Asian Americans Allison Sullivan, Emory University
  • Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in California: A Time Series Study on the Impact of COVID-19 and Political Rhetoric Hyeseon Noh, University of South Carolina; Sohee Jung, University of South Carolina; Hunter Boehme, University of South Carolina; and Deena Isom, University of South Carolina
  • Rethinking Adoption: Analyzing Korean Adoptee Activism Through Social Movement Theory SunAh Marie Laybourn, University of Memphis
  • Racializing Desire: Race Making Among White Spouses Married to East and South Asian Americans Louise Ly, University of Maryland, College Park
63. Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology 2 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 5

Presider: Joy Han, florida state university
  • Not an object, but a weapon: A Feminist critique of the equippable ally trope in anime Victoria Lauraine Bechtold, Virginia Tech; and Cal Kruse, Virginia Tech
  • Through Words and Images: A Framing Analysis of Disability Representation in North Carolina's Hurricane Helen Media Coverage Kapriskie Seide, Davidson College; Elizabeth Corral, Davidson College; and Christ Thomas, Davidson College
  • Is Social Media Really to Blame? Young Adults and Voting Intentions in 2024 Grant Bailey, Florida State University; Levi Mitzen, Florida State University; Kyle Rose, Florida State University; Yuki Proulx Maynor, Florida State University; Deana Rohlinger, Florida State University; and E. Ashby Plant, Florida State University
  • “Define Your Masculinity Yourself”: The Use of Neoliberal Logics in Negotiating Gender Authenticity in Online Space Tomas Sanjuan, University of South Florida
  • Social Media and Mother Guilt: A Moderated Serial Mediation Model Joy Han, florida state university
64. Disaster Futures and the future of disaster studies Mini-conference: New Frontiers of Hazard Risk [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 6

Organizers: Adam Michael Straub, Rowan University; Afsana Kona, Virginia Tech; Elvis Effah, Virginia Tech; A B M Nurullah, Virginia Tech;
Presider: Adam Michael Straub, Rowan University
  • How can GO-NGO collaboration promote inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) practices? A comparative case study from Bangladesh Muhammad Awfa Islam, Virginia Tech; and Afsana Kona, Virginia Tech
  • Hope Even When the Creek Rises: Vulnerability and Risk Post-Helene Paige Isabelle Ambord, University of North Carolina-Asheville
  • A “Theory of Fields” (re)articulation of Beck’s Risk Society Adam Michael Straub, Rowan University; and Kathleen Tierney,
CSCSC Meeting [Meeting]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Le Meridien Private Dining Room
65. Art in Urban Contexts [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 1

Organizer: Nick Dempsey, Eckerd College
  • “How United is My Valley: Art and Advocacy in Kolkata, India's RG Kar Protests of 2024” Tanni Chaudhuri, Rhode Island College
  • “Creative Placemaking in the Contemporary American City: Arts Engagement as Community Builder or Boondoggle?” Nick Dempsey, Eckerd College
  • “Public Education Beyond the Campus: Engaging with arts and culture in New York City” Deborah Gambs, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
  • “Threading Spartanburg: Community Engagement Projects in a Pilot Digital Photography and Urban Sociology Cluster Course” Colby King, University of South Carolina Upstate; Bridget Kirkland, University of South Carolina Upstate; and Mo Kessler, University of South Carolina Upstate
66. Whitespaces [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 2

Organizer: David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech
  • The United States of Whiteness: Examining the Implications of the Browning of a White Nation Marcus Anthony Brooks, Western Kentucky University
  • Whiteness of Children's Literature: A Critical Analysis of the Caldecott Award Through Symbolic Annihilation Jamekia Collins, Georgia Southern University; and Alicia Brunson, Georgia Southern University
  • Understanding Sense of Belonging of Faculty and Staff in Higher Education Miguel Wilson, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Sayoni Ghosh, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Kendra Jason, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • 'I went online and basically made Harriet Tubman, but she's queer and a bounty hunter:’ Whitespace Aesthetic and Joyful Resistance in Video Games Annie McGhee, University of Cincinnati; and Jeremy Brenner-Levoy, Davidson College
67. Thematic: Sociology of the Future Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • What influence Muslim women’s decision of using evacuation shelters: Hurricane Milton as a case study Sarmin Akther, University of South Florida
  • Teaching and Learning in HyFlex Master’s Courses Courtney McDonald, University of South Carolina Upstate
68. Thematic: The Future of Sociology Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Teaching Contemporary Issues and Politics: Palestine and Beyond Hannah Liebreich, Elmhurst University
  • Embedding Carework in the Future of Teaching Sociology: Toward an Inclusive Pedagogical Framework Sophie Webb, University of California-San Diego; Ayumi Matsuda-Rivero, University of California-San Diego; and Caroline Petronis, University of California-San Diego
69. Marxist Sociology Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Saving the System: Liberal Antiracist Discourse During the Movement for Black Lives Taurean R Brown, North Carolina State University
70. Fat Studies/Body Politics Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3

Organizers: Ariane Prohaska, University of Alabama; Lyla Byers, Wofford College;
  • Beauty Standards and the Black Sorority Aleari Felton, University ofAlabama
  • Weight Loss Drug Usage as Post-Feminist Sensibility-Motivations of Women Using GLP-1 Agonists Off Label Ariane Prohaska, University of Alabama
71. Humans, Animals, and the American South Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3

Organizer: Nadya M Vera, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Presider: Nadya M Vera, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
  • Devouring Life: Political Orientations and Omnivorous Identities in the United States Nadya M Vera, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
  • Vegans and Their Relationship with Veganism Rory Elisabeth Odom, Murray State University
72. Health disparities 2 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Symphony Ballroom 1

Presider: Kalasiddhi Thapa, Davidson College
  • “‘They Tell Me to Refer Everyone, But I Know What I’m Doing’: How Institutional Logics Contribute to Inequities in Access to Life-Saving Care" Jennifer Lenore McDonnell, Emory University; Ellen Idler, Emory University; Monique Hennink, Emory University; and Adam Wilk, Emory University
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Access Barriers and Vaccine Uptake: The Role of Gender and Vaccine Distrust Ye Luo, Clemson University; Patricia Carbajales-Dale, Clemson University; Miao Li, Clemson University; William Haller, Clemson University; and Yu-Bo Wang, Clemson University
  • How do immigration and citizenship status influence health-seeking behaviors for Bhutanese Nepalese Refugees in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania? Kalasiddhi Thapa, Davidson College
73. JEDI Mini-conference: Doing The Work of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in an Age of Anti-Wokeness [Panel]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Symphony Ballroom 2

Organizers: Joanna Hunter, Radford University; Dresden Lackey, Wofford College;
Presider: Joanna Hunter, Radford University
  • Kendra Jason, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Elaina Behounek, Middle Georgia University
  • Amanda Koontz, University of Central Florida
  • Elizabeth Lyman, Radford University
74. Community and Urban Sociology & Culture [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Symphony Ballroom 3

Presider: Richard Benjamin Haskett, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Contemporary Sounds of Iceland in the Secular-Spaces of Istanbul: Connection of Disconnected Geographies through Music Ceren Mert Travlos, University of North Georgia
  • Flying Inclusion on Government Flag Poles: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of Cities and Pride Flags Evelyn E. Rosengren-Hovee, University of California-Irvine
  • “They have Sushi at the Kroger!” Exploring Neighborhood Changes through Kroger in Germantown and North Nashville Katherine Everhart, The University of Virginia at Wise
  • Broad St. Bullies: A case study of collective effervescence, flow, and secular ritual in a Richmond, VA cycling group Richard Benjamin Haskett, Virginia Commonwealth University
75. AMCR: Society Without People: The Social Implications of the Metaverse and AI [Author-Meets-Curious-Readers]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Symphony Ballroom 4

Organizer: Christopher Pieper, Baylor University
Presider: Justin Nelson, Campbell University

  • Christopher Pieper, Baylor University;
  • Justin Nelson, Campbell University;
76. International Migration 1 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Symphony Ballroom 5

Presider: Juan Salinas, University of North Florida
  • The Academic Success of Immigrant College Students in the U.S. Rural South: A Mixed Methods Study Magally Ortiz-Rojas, University of North Carolina-Pembroke; and Melanie Escue, University of North Carolina-Pembroke
  • Exploring Ethnic Composition: A 2020 U.S. Census and ACS-5 Years Estimates Analyses of Turkish and Kurdish Populations Ismail Yigit, Tennessee State University
  • Navigating New Horizons: African International Students' Experiences at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington Eva Onyina Antwi, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
  • "Expat or Escapee?” The influence of workplace and other social factors on the global mobility of Black American workers Jamel Catoe, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Rerouted Across Borders: Return Migrant Workers and Labor Precarity in Mexican Call Centers Juan Salinas, University of North Florida
77. Race, Gender, and Class 2 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Symphony Ballroom 6

Presider: Raj Ghoshal, Elon University
  • The power of connection: Unraveling the significance of social support in the stress levels of informal black women caregivers Shantay Williams, University of Alabama-Birmingham; and Mieke Thomeer, University of Alabama-Birmingham
  • Anti-Woke University: Policy Changes and Consequences at a Florida School Annie Mae Jones, University of Central Florida
  • Teaching Sociology Through the Lens of Reservation Dogs David Michael Burley, Southeastern Louisiana University; and Anna Pope, Southeastern Louisiana University
  • Black Farmers Farming In The Midst of COVID-19 and Systemic Racism Loren Henderson, University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • Teaching about "Colorblindness" and Equity Raj Ghoshal, Elon University
The Southern Sociologist Meeting [Meeting]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Executive Boardroom
78. Collective Behavior and Social Movements & Organizations, Occupations & Work [Paper Session]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Governors 1

Presider: Miranda G. Cominole, Appalachian State University
  • An Analysis of Rick Warren's 40-Days of Purpose Evangelical Movement Mike McMullen, University of Houston; and William Kilgore, Wharton Junior College
  • “That’s not the Point of This” How Service Providers Challenge Coercive Humanitarianism in their Government Anti-Trafficking Alliances. Elizabeth Hazel Trudeau, Appalachian State University
  • "It Just Made Sense": Frame Alignment, Resonance, and Healthcare Practitioners’ Participation in the Weight-Inclusive Healthcare Movement Gabriele Gomez, Oklahoma State University
  • A New Activist Identity: How College Students Form Activist Identities, Mitigate Internal Conflict, and Construct Institutional Impediments Miranda G. Cominole, Appalachian State University
79. Appalachia and Race/Ethnicity [Paper Session]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Governors 2

Presider: Gbenga Idowu Elufisan, Mississippi State University
  • Racial Injustice and Memory Work: Comparing Southern Civil Rights Museums Susan Pearce, East Carolina University
  • Gender and Black Farmers in Mississippi: “Outside Work” and “Inside Work” Gbenga Idowu Elufisan, Mississippi State University
80. Mental Health: A Public Health Problem [Mini-Conference]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Governors 3
  • Breaking the Cycle: Understanding the Stigmas of Mental Health and Its Impact on Individuals Faith Blom, Central Piedmont CC
  • The Healthcare Gap in Rural North Carolina: Access to Treatment Mingyeong "Liz" Jeong, Central Piedmont CC
  • The Disease of Fatphobia: How the War on Bigger Bodies Impacts Everyone Tia-Tamera Lester, Central Piedmont CC
  • Addiction: A Disease of the Brain Alissa Macedo, Central Piedmont CC
81. Digital Sociology [Paper Session]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Governors 4

Presider: CalliAna Robles, Davidson College
  • Locked In, Linked Up: The Interplay Between Platform Dependency, Solidarity And Collective Organizing In Gig Work Frantony Jeremy Lewis, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Anne-Kathrin Kronberg, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Digital Transformation and Work Paradigm’s Shift: A Cross-Sectional Analysis (GSS 2022 Data) of Remote Work’s Impact on Social Networks and Integration, Well-being, and Economic Stability in the United States Waris Ahmad Faizi, Virginia Tech University
  • “I am your professor, not your mommy”: A discourse analysis of gender and student evaluations of teaching on Reddit’s r/professors Anne McNutt Patrick, Virginia Tech; and Maria N. Scaptura, University of Arkansas
  • Trans Community Building in Online Spaces: A case study Robyn Lawson, Virginia Tech
  • Out of Play: How Harassment Shapes Video Game Engagement for Marginalized Groups CalliAna Robles, Davidson College; Romeo Norris, Davidson College; Veyane Braugher, Davidson College; and Jeremy Brenner-Levoy, Davidson College
82. Health disparities 1 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Governors 5

Presider: Michallene McDaniel, University of North Georgia
  • Voices of Alabama: Why Black Women's Experiences with Reproductive Health and Healthcare Matter Jalyn Christina Dantzler, University of Alabama
  • Exploring COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Florida’s Urban and Rural Communities Sophia Solomon, Florida State University; Ladanya Ramirez Surmeier, Florida State University; Annette Schwabe, Florida State University; and Teresa Roach, Florida State University
  • Taking a Bite out of Health Disparities: Variation in Oral Health Among U.S. Veterans Ellis Logan, Valdosta State University; and Thibault Deneve, Valdosta State University
  • Teaching from Memory: Sociology of HIV/AIDS in the Classroom Michallene McDaniel, University of North Georgia
83. Disaster futures and the future of disaster studies Mini-conference: Marginalized Challenges [Paper Session]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Governors 6

Organizers: Adam Michael Straub, Rowan University; Afsana Kona, Virginia Tech; A B M Nurullah, Virginia Tech; Elvis Effah, Virginia Tech;
Presider: A B M Nurullah, Virginia Tech
  • Strengthening Disaster Food Security in Southeastern North Carolina: A Community-Engaged Approach Julia Waity, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
  • Hidden Costs of Untreated Waters: Evaluating the Ripple Effects of Industrial Wastewater Disposal on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Public Health in Bangladesh's Uttara Export Processing Zone Surrounding Community. A B M Nurullah, Virginia Tech; Liesel Ritchie, Virginia Tech; and Sanjida Khatun, Begum Rokeya University
  • Does climate change have the potential to alter cropping patterns? An Exploratory Study in the Selected Sub-Districts of Northern Bangladesh Afsana Kona, Virginia Tech; Muhammad Awfa Islam, Virginia Tech; and Tanvir Islam Sojib, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Membership Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Le Meridien Private Dining Room
84. Sociologists Leading NSF STEM Education Grants [Panel]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 1

Organizer: Will Tyson, University of South Florida
Presider: Christina Steidl, University of Alabama in Huntsville

  • Will Tyson, University of South Florida;
  • Lara Perez-Felkner, Florida State University;
  • Colby King, University of South Carolina Upstate;
85. Race and Education [Paper Session]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 2

Organizer: Taylor Toniese McElwain, Virginia Tech
Presider: Taylor Toniese McElwain, Virginia Tech
  • HBCUs as Baccalaureate Origins of Black Ph.D. Recipients: Field, Gender, and Cohort Effects Yu Tao, Stevens Institute of Technology; and Willie Pearson, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • The Silencing Effect – An Upsurge of Silence in Today’s Education Jana Bennette, Notre Dame of Maryland University
  • Formation of College-Going Identities Amongst First-Year Latino/a/x Students Ricardo González, University of Central Florida
  • Perceptions of College Adjustment Amongst First-Year Latino/a/x Students Lauren Nicole Labuhn, University of Central Florida
  • Teaching Africa Under Censorship: Black Educators' Pedagogical response in social studies classrooms Bailey Alexandra Brown, Spelman College
86. Science, Technology and Knowledge Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Gender and Skepticism in Science: Reflections from Nobel Laureates Alexandra Hendley, Murray State University
87. Gender and Sexuality Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Intersectionality, Accessibility, and Fraudulent Behavior: Feminist, Qualitative Methodology and Emerging Virtual Recruitment Adriana Ponce, Southwestern University; and Chelsey Vianee Rocha, Southwestern University
  • Supportive Settlements in Urban Campus Design: BIPOC, LGBTQI+ Users and Restorative Experience Vanita Naidoo, Salem State University
88. Digital Sociology Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Experiences of Misogynoir in Online Gaming Communities Mia Janay Smith, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Transforming the Dynamics of Workplace Inequality: The way forward through Digital Voices. Deborah Omontese, University of South Florida
89. Menopause Roundtable [Roundtable]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
  • Sociocultural Variation in the Experience of Menopause Brandy Harris Wallace, University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • Examining the Social Determinants of Menopause: A Public Health Perspective Shelby Gilbert, Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Navigating Menopause in U.S. Clinical Contexts: Experiences, Challenges, and Advocacy Keely Fox, University of Georgia
90. Academic Survival Techniques in the Life as a Graduate Student in a New Environment [Roundtable]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3

  • Amari Brown, Norfolk State University;
  • Bailey Holloway, Norfolk State University;
  • Micaiah Stephens, Norfolk State University;
  • Destiny Briscoe, Norfolk State University;
  • Denzel Leggett, Norfolk State University;
  • Robert Kelvin Perkins, Norfolk State University; " "
91. Latina/o Sociology [Paper Session]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 1

Presider: Daniel Justino Delgado, Texas A&M University at San Antonio
  • Gendering populism: Transgender state workers experiences of left-populist politics in Argentina Martina Speranza , University of Florida
  • Empowering Latina Undergraduates: Examining the Experiences and Needs of Latina Students at Hispanic-Serving Institutions Angela Vergara, University of Central Florida
  • "Home is Here!”– Or is it?: Examining How Undocumented Latinx Young Adults Navigate Identity and Belonging in the South Anna Della Rosa, University of Memphis
  • Depends on the Form, Depends on the Day: On Dominican Racial Categorization and Identification Pamela Zabala Ortiz, Boston University
  • Afraid of Our Own Shadow: The Epistemics of Colorism and Anti-Blackness in Mexican American Identity Politics Daniel Justino Delgado, Texas A&M University at San Antonio
92. International Migration 2 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 2

Presider: Emely Johanna Matos Pichardo , University of South Florida
  • When 'they' are all (nearly) the same: Factors shaping public attitudes toward Syrian refugees in Turkey Kerem Morgul, Elon University
  • Arab-Muslim Immigrant Women, Dating, and Racial Formation Leena Mohamed Torky , North Carolina State University
  • Nation State Creating Stateless: The Case of Biharis in Bangladesh Aishwarya Ahmed, Oklahoma State University
  • The Ripple Effects of Anti-Immigrant Legislation: Analyzing SB1718’s Impact on Health Service Utilization and Access to Quality Care Emely Johanna Matos Pichardo , University of South Florida; and Glenda Vaillant-Cruz, University of South Florida
93. Community and Urban Sociology & Race/Ethnicity [Paper Session]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 3

Presider: Jerome Morris, Endowed Professor of Urban Education University of Missouri-St. Louis
  • “Residents of Color in non-Predominantly White Neighborhoods: Are They More Likely to Worry about Racialized Surveillance Than White Residents?” Maria Lowe, Southwestern University; Reginald Byron, University of Denver; Brigit Reese, Southwestern University; and Carson Maxfield, Southwestern University
  • Moving Identities: Residential Mobility and Multiracial Identity Dynamics Kayland Ann Arrington, Georgia State University; and Monisha Jackson, Georgia State University
  • Black Mecca, U.S.A: An in-depth look at race, class and placemaking in Atlanta, Georgia Jonathan Grant, University of North Florida
  • Promiseland or Mirage in the New Black Mecca? Students, Families, Community and Schooling in an Atlanta Black Suburb Jerome Morris, Endowed Professor of Urban Education University of Missouri-St. Louis
94. AMCR: Intersecting Lives: How Place Shapes Reentry [Author-Meets-Curious-Readers]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 4

Organizer: Andrea Leverentz, North Carolina State University
Presider: Kevin Drakulich, Northeastern University
  • Kevin Drakulich, Northeastern University
  • Sarah Shannon, University of Georgia
  • Geniece Monde, Furman University
95. Roll of Honor Session to Recognize Larry Isaac
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 5

  • Kate Pride Brown, Georgia Institute of Technology;
  • Jonathan Coley, Oklahoma State University;
  • Daniel Harrison, Lander University;
  • Anna Jacobs, ;
  • Paul Lipold, ;
  • Quan Mai, Rutgers University;
  • Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University;
  • Rachel McKane, Brandeis University;
  • Daniel Ray Morrison, University of Alabama-Huntsville;
  • Ryan Talbert, University of Connecticut;
96. Race, Gender, and Class 3 [Paper Session]
Thursday | 4:00 pm-5:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 6

Presider: Chy'Nah Danyelle Davis, Winston-Salem State University
  • You’re Not a Colleague, You’re a Colonizer: An Autoethnography of Black Misandry and Academic Mobbing Danny Malone, Coastal Carolina University
  • Children of Crises James Thomas, University of Mississippi
  • "I have Indian in my family": Exploring the Racial Belonging of Native American Freedmen descendants of the Five Civilized Tribes Alexandria Love, Oklahoma State University
  • Switching Hats, Shifting Roles: Black Church Women's Gender Performance in Work, Church, & Home Brianne Alexandra Painia, University of Chicago
  • Breaking the Cycle: How Intimate Partner Violence Impacts the Well-being of Black Women at HBCUs Chy'Nah Danyelle Davis, Winston-Salem State University
97. Poster Session and Reception [Paper Session]
Thursday | 5:15 pm-7:30 pm | Symphony Foyer
  • Exploring Adolescent Vaping Behavior: A Social Bond Theory Perspective Tayana Malewschik, University of Florida
  • Undergraduate Research Scholar’s Reflection: What I Learned about Collegiate Recovery Programs Jasmine Amoyo, Florida State University; and Ladanya Ramirez Surmeier, Florida State University
  • How African American Men Cope with Race-Based Traumatic Stress James Dontaè Roberts, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
  • Solidarity and Behavioral Disinhibition in Technologically Mediated Interaction: Experimentally Testing Levels of Co-Presence in Interaction Ritual Chain Theory Alexander Lee Smith, University of Georgia
  • Teacher Talk: Analyzing Complexity of Language and Content William Mangold, University of Alabama in Huntsville; Christina Steidl, University of Alabama in Huntsville; and Andrea Word-Allbritton, UAH
  • “I am a Social Scientist”: An Exploration of the Science Identity of Sociology Graduate Students and Practicing Sociologists Catherine Mobley, Clemson University; Cadi Imbody, Clemson University; Chloe Bird, Tufts University School of Medicine; Sabrina Lee, Pardee RAND Graduate School, RAND; and Jonathan I. K. Agho, Clemson University
  • The Dual Benefits of a Community Outreach Internship Mariah Fitzgerald, College of Charleston
  • Primetime Prejudice: The Misrepresentation of Marginalized Communities in Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Jordyn Ford, Wofford College
  • The Social Networks of Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease: An Exploration of Social Support During Hospitalization Kaitlyn Brus, Emory University; and Jane Lowers, Emory University
  • A Longitudinal Study on Food Insecurity in Alamance County, NC, (2010-2020) Raea Tyson, North Carolina State University
  • Who Belongs? Representations of Race, Gender, and Characteristics in Mental Health Facility Websites Rita Severino, Wake Technical Community College; and Alessia Nizzola, Wake Technical Community College
  • Representing Motherhood: Analyzing Emotional Labor and Gender Roles in #Momlife TikTok Content Dandan Xing, Wake Technical Community College; Malia Morris, Wake Technical Community College; and Jessica Lee MacDonald, Wake Technical Community College
  • Impacts of Subjective Social Class on Comparative Living Standards Emilee Lynn Cornelius, Winthrop University; and Maya Garcia,
  • Black/White Residential Segregation and Rates of Black Homicide Victimization Mallory Quinn, Western Kentucky University; and James Wilson Kanan, Western Kentucky University
  • Why do People Ever Approve of Police Striking Citizens? James, Davis Kirk, Appalachian State University
  • The Impact of Government Efforts to Reduce Crime on Public Trust in the Police Veronica Ahadzie, Winthrop University
  • "Bitch better pay for it": Fathers' Claims of Alienation in Family Court Lauren Elizabeth Perrone, Appalachian State University
  • Systematic influence or Just Content? Examining Digital Sociology and the intersections between Content Analysis and Qualitative Discourse Analysis Ebony Myers, Virginia Tech University
  • Narrating Deservingness: Gender and Sick Roles in Cancer Crowdfunding Appeals Ella Catherine Helena Welke, Wake Technical Community College; Alexandra Receveur, Wake Technical Community College; and Antoine Flippen, Wake Technical Community College
  • Beyond Labels: A Content Analysis of Gender and Neurodiversity on LinkedIn. Neha chowdary Amaraneni, Wake tech community college
  • The Effects of Postpartum Depression on Children's Social-Emotional Outcomes Jada Lavon Morris, East Carolina University
  • Classed Dating Practices: How College Students Use Social Class to Navigate Their Romantic Decisions Sarah Louise Wood, Appalachian State University
  • Nonbinary and Navigating the Coming Out Process in Family and Friend Networks. Wren Holbrook, East Carolina University; Dakota Riffle, East Carolina University; I Joyce Chang, University of Central Missouri; Elizabeth Perkins, Morehead State University; and David Knox, East Carolina University
  • Associations of Contraceptive Behaviors and Educational Aspirations: Results from NSFG 2015-2019 Savannah Renee Burke, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Beauty and Her Feast: Domestic Expectations Impact on Women’s Experiences in Professional Kitchens Peyton McConnell, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Pray the weight away: religious conservatism and eating disorders Megan Humphreys, University of Central Florida
  • Undergraduate Research Scholar’s Reflection: What I Learned about COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Florida’s Urban and Rural Communities Sophia Solomon, Florida State University; and Ladanya Ramirez Surmeier, Florida State University
  • Representations of Race and Breastfeeding in Black Newspapers Alissa Greene, University of Florida; Sarah Jamaleddine, University of Central Florida; Sanjana Bhatt, University of Central Florida; Mahi Patel, University of Central Florida; Caroline Pellissery, University of Central Florida; Sheryl Pullukara, University of Central Florida; Shannon Carter, University of Central Florida; and Bhoomi Thakore, University of Connecticut
  • How do geographical location and race influence an individual's susceptibility to mental health issues?
  • Racial and gender differences in allostatic load across education level Reyna Patel, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Spatial Analysis of Florida Indigenous Reservations and Hospitals Emily Gonzalez, UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA
  • Low-Wage Men's Experiences of Workplace Incivilities Simaya Jackson, Florida A&M University; Kimberlee Downer, Florida A&M University; and Katherine Tindell, Florida A&M University
  • Managing the Burden: College Students’ Perceptions of Debt Maya Kah Barbee, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Scott Fitzgerald, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Immigration and Gender: Examining Differences in Language Used to Discuss Male versus Female Immigrants among X Users Delaney Sheridan Mooney, Wake Technical Community College
  • The Future of North Carolina Collective Bargaining: Graduate Students Lindsay Lopez, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Globalization and Gender: Understanding Socio-cultural Changes for Advocacy and Awareness on Gender Discrimination and Violence in the Dominican Republic Lorena Villavicencio, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
  • Understanding the emotional experience with Affect Control Theory Lisa Walker, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Gretchen Peterson, University of Memphis; Joseph Samuel Thompson, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Jay Stelmack, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Connections Between Chronic Illness and Mental Health: A Review of Individual and Systemic Factors Across the Healthcare System Ella Gorstein, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • The Impact of the Disaffiliation within the United Methodist Church in North & South Carolina Joseph Edward Navarro, Wofford College
  • WOMEN IN CHURCH: Perspectives on Gendered Participation in the Southern Baptist Convention Tiffany Nichole Powell, University of Georgia
  • The Boys: High School, Manhood, and Athletics Hannah Mills, Appalachian State University
  • Assessing Rural Resilience: Navigating Natural Hazards for Sustainable Futures Prithila Datta Purkayastha, Boise State University; Dr. Brittany Brand, Boise State University; and Kyle Peterson, Boise State University
  • Women in Politics in South Carolina Blythe Rhylynne Edwards, Wofford College
  • The Influence of Race and Class on Racial Profiling Cierra Haynes, Winthrop University
  • Pathways to Belonging among College Students: A Mediation Analysis Michelle Petrie, University of South Carolina Aiken; Philip B Mason, University of South Carolina-Aike; and Timothy McClure, University of South Carolina-Aike
  • Racial inequity in public school districts located in university towns McKenzie Roller, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; and Regina Baker, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Gender Stereotypes: A Comparative Analysis of the Intersection Between Gendered Toys, Race, and Class Hannah Elizabeth Rowe, Kennesaw State University; and Daniel Farr, Kennesaw State University
  • College Students Attitudes Toward Interracial Romantic Relationships Olivia Denise Hayes, Appalachian State University
  • Impact of Scent on Romantic Partner Desirability Haley Nicole Morrow, Eastern Carolina University; Lillian Griffin, East Carolina University; I Joyce Chang, University of Central Missouri; Elizabeth Perkins, Morehead State University; and David Knox, East Carolina University
  • Are Community Colleges Supporting Texas Students? Jaquelyne Idalia Bardales, Rice University
  • Resilient, Not Deficient: The Role of Social Support in First-Gen Student Mental Health Cathy Le Dang, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • The Association Between Meditation and Physical/Mental Health Emma Camille Rogers, Appalachian State University
  • #Gymtok: How Perceptions of Fitness are Shaped by Gender Karen Hannah Wales, Stephen F. Austin State University; and Natalie Reese, Stephen F. Austin State University
  • Comparing the Efficacy of Affect Control Theory vs. ChatGPT4o in Modeling Human Predictions about Social Interaction Makayla Stephens, University of Georgia; Dawn T Robinson, University of Georgia; Zara Jillani, University of Georgia; and Aahana N Shankaran, University of Georgia
  • "How Do Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement Impact Job Satisfaction Among Older Employees in the Evolving Workforce Abigail Rose Stoneman , Appalachian State University
  • Child-Free Representation on TikTok Amy Annelise Harris, Emory & Henry University; and Makenzie Harris, Emory & Henry University
  • Open AI’s GPT-4o and Affect Control Theory: The Logic Behind Behavioral Prediction Aahana N Shankaran, University of Georgia; Zara Jillani, University of Georgia; Makayla Stephens, University of Georgia; and Dawn T Robinson, University of Georgia
  • Understanding Peoples’ Experiences Around Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Treatment in Alabama Kayli Morrison, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Yahya Alnashri, University of Alabama-Birmingham; and Jessica Jaiswal, University of Alabama-Birmingham
  • A Comparative Analysis of Website Affordances on Political Discourse Neal Caren, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; and Maddox Bruce Addy, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Do Job Ads in Construction Have a 'Man'-date? Uncovering Gendered Language That Builds Barriers Breana Marie Lambert, University of Central Florida
  • Measuring and modeling the emotional experiences of LGBTQIA+ adults Jay Stelmack, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Lisa Walker, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • The Higher Education Experiences of Children of Immigrants: The Barriers They Face Karolina Ysabel Martinez, Coastal Carolina University
  • How does income level affect the likelihood of an individual experiencing fear? Lillie Jamison, Appalachian State University
  • Mental Health Outcomes Across Household Income Olivia Robson, Rice University; Tony Brown, Rice University; and Katrina Rufino, University of Houston-Downtown
Student Mixer and Meet the Candidates
Thursday | 8:00 pm-10:00 pm | CJs
Meet the Candidates Event
Lactation Space
Friday | 7:00 am-9:00 pm | Lactation Space
Safe Space
Friday | 7:00 am-9:00 pm | Symphony Ballroom 7
Sponsored by the Committee on Gender and Sexuality
On-Site Registration
Friday | 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Symphony Foyer
Friday | 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Symphony Foyer
Friday | 8:00 am-4:00 pm | Symphony Foyer
Community & Collaboration Space
Friday | 8:00 am-5:00 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 3
98. Navigating Personal Journeys: Mastering Your Individual Race [Workshop]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 1

Organizer: Anthony Dodson, Family Is Forever, Llc
Presider: Anthony Dodson, Family Is Forever, Llc
99. Organizations, Occupations, and Work [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 2

Presider: Benjamin Cape Fields, University of California-Riverside
  • The Influence of Academic Internships on Career Trajectory: A Model of Anticipatory Socialization Gail Markle, Kennesaw State University
  • Authentic Leadership and Organizational Commitment during the Great Resignation: The Effects of Gender and Industry Sheryl Skaggs, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Learning the Role of Social Worker: Identity Formation and Professional Development among Undergraduate Interns Erinn Brooks, St. Norbert College
  • “We can transform dying from a medical experience to a human experience”: Occupational Legitimacy and Client Professionalization of End-of-Life Doulas Sarah Donley, Jacksonville state university; and Casey Fannin, Jacksonville State University
100. Sociologists' Perceptions of AI versus Human Decision Making in the Peer Review Processes [Panel]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 3

Organizer: James Witte, George Mason University
Presider: Laurie Schintler, George Mason University

  • Connie McNeely, George Mason University;
  • James Witte, George Mason University;
  • Thomas Hinz, University of Konstanz;
  • Roberta Spalter-Roth, George Mason University;
  • Chad Smith, George Mason University;
  • Emma Vetter, George Mason University;
101. Appalachia/South [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 4

Presider: Melanie Escue, University of North Carolina-Pembroke
  • Who Let the Dogs Out? A Study of Rural Gentrification, Roaming Dogs, and Community Conflict Kimberly Ann Haliburda, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
  • From Coal to Cops: Examining the Transformation of Union Solidarity into Policing in Appalachian Communities Sarah Cooper, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
  • Strengthening or Straining Ties? How Environmental Concerns Affect Community Life in Coal Regions Terence Asitibasi, Clemson University
  • Climate Change and Sleep Health: An Analysis of Environmental and Social Impacts Joon Chung, University of Miami; Mairead Moloney, University of Kentucky; Azizi Seixas, University of Miami; and Chandra Jackson, NIEHS
  • Beyond the “Southern Rural Mortality Penalty”: The Role of Environmental Toxins and Social/Emotional Support on Mental Health in Rural North Carolina Melanie Escue, University of North Carolina-Pembroke; and Allyson Taylor, University of North Carolina-Pembroke
102. Applied Sociology/Evaluation Research 1 [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 5

Presider: Brittany Ashton Teeples, University of Central Florida
  • How do U.S. college students perceive and define gender equality, and to what extent do their views align with global and national gender equality statistics as measured by the Gender Inequality Index (GII)? JiaYi Wu, Davidson College
  • Demystifying Death: Reflections on End-of-Life Doula Work Amy Dellinger Page, Appalachian State University
  • Into The Woods: Reports on Safety, Autonomy, and Meaning in a Wilderness Therapy Program for Young-Adults Amity James Martino, University of North Carolina-Asheville
  • Accessing Victim Services: Barriers Faced by People with Disabilities and Suggestions to Address Them Brittany Ashton Teeples, University of Central Florida; Alison Cares, University of Central Florida; and Julia O'Connor, University of Utah
103. Studying the Financialization of Human Shelter: The Jax Rental Housing Project [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Governors 6

Organizer: David Jaffee, University of North Florida

  • Katie Renzi, University of North Florida;
  • Louis Catton, University of North Florida;
  • Marcia Shaw, University of North Florida;
Sociological Practice Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Le Meridien Private Dining Room
104. Sociological Perspectives in Social Work [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 1

Organizer: Jamekia Collins, Georgia Southern University
  • Conducting Social Impact Assessments Using a Sociological Lens Liesel Ritchie, Virginia Tech; and Duane A. Gill, Virginia Tech
  • Public Sector Bargaining in Florida: Politically Institutionalized Repression and the Undermining of Public Sector Unions in Florida, 1968-2023 Jordan W. Scott, Florida State University
105. The Future of Quantitative Research [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 2

Organizers: Tom R. Leppard, North Carolina State University; Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University; Andrew Davis, North Carolina State University;
  • Social Class Foundations of Adolescent Informal Mentoring Experience Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University; Tom R. Leppard, North Carolina State University; and Daulton Selke, North Carolina State University
  • Status and Cultural Success: Does weighting by status produce a better module? Nicolas Harder, University of South Carolina
  • Bayesian Pooling of Self- and Peer-Reports to Improve Measurement of Sensitive Behaviors Weihua An, Emory University
  • Moral Flexibility in Turbulent Times: Conflict and Belief Adaptation Andrew Davis, North Carolina State University; and Kyle Puetz, Texas State University
106. Health disparities and Sex/Gender [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 1

Presider: Estefany Londono, University of Central Florida
  • “I just feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place”: Asexual Women and Reproductive Healthcare Katherine Lorena Linder, University of Iowa
  • The Political Determinants of LGBTQ Health in the U.S. Southeast Tiara Giddings, Campaign for Southern Equality; Chase Harless, Western Carolina University; Tierra James, Auburn University; Jurni Tollerson, Auburn University; and Austin H. Johnson, Kenyon College
  • “Some trans women are angels”: How and Why Transgender and Non-Binary Young Adults Utilize Unlicensed Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapies Amid Healthcare Restrictions Estefany Londono, University of Central Florida; Dahlia Wrubluski, University of Central Florida; Shannon Carter, University of Central Florida; Eric Schrimshaw, University of Central Florida; J. Scott Carter, University of Central Florida; Elena Cyrus, University of Central Florida; and Lindsay Taliaferro, University of Central Florida
107. Environmental Sociology 1 [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 2

Presider: Feng Hao, University of South Florida
  • Learning to farm, or becoming a farmer?: How apprenticeship structure shapes farmer professionalization Caroline Carter, North Carolina State University; Lindy Olive, North Carolina State University; and Noa Mizrahi, North Carolina State University
  • Authoritarian Rule and Climate Action: An Analysis of Hungary, China, and Brazil Paul Knudson, Methodist University
  • Political Context, Carbon Dependence, Climate Vulnerability, and Deployment of Renewable Energy in the United States, 2000-2022 Feng Hao, University of South Florida
108. Family [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 3

Presider: Daisy Kathleen Edmondson, East Carolina University
  • Navigating Motherhood: A Comparative Study of Women’s Childbearing Desires By Race and Education Fallon Chioke Caruth, Purdue University
  • Does She Mind All that Housework?: Gender, Gender Ideology, and Satisfaction with Family Life around the Globe JEREMY REYNOLDS, Purdue University; and Shagun Sethi, Purdue University
  • Shame By Design: Controlling Images in Infamous Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Campaigns Amber Daylynn Churchwell, Emory University
  • Discussing Sensitive Topics in Romantic Relationships Daisy Kathleen Edmondson, East Carolina University
109. AMCR: We Belong Here: Gentrification, White Spacemaking, and a Black Sense of Place [Author-Meets-Curious-Readers]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 4

Organizer: Shani Adia Evans, Rice University

  • Shani Adia Evans, Rice University;
  • Barbara Combs, Kennesaw State University;
  • Jonathan Grant, University of North Florida;
  • Zandria Robinson, Georgetown University;
110. Crime, Law, and Deviance & Race/Ethnicity 3 [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 5

Presider: Austin Ayodele Ayodele, University of Pretoria
  • “Hey Toots, No One Will Believe You”: A Content Analysis of Counterfactual Representations of Women in True Crime Over Time Anna Sheree Rogers, University of Georgia
  • The Influence of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence on Chronic Health Outcomes Megan Taylor Short, North Carolina State University
  • Presidency or Penitentiary: Exploring Americans' Attitudes Towards Felons' Right to Vote Catherine Bennett Angell, Southwestern University
  • Dual Tragedies: Intimate Partner Homicide-Suicide with a Firearm Tannuja Devi Rozario, Everytown for Gun Safety
  • The perpetrators are with us”; Sexual violence in refugee camps in Northern Nigeria. Austin Ayodele Ayodele, University of Pretoria; Aniefiok Jacob, University of Ibadan; and Elizabeth Audu, University of Ibadan
111. Thematic: Sociology of the Future 1 [Paper Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-9:45 am | Symphony Ballroom 6

Presider: Connor Scott Grish, University of Central Florida
  • Inequities in Internship Access and Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study on Intersecting Race, Class, and Gender Disparities Sarah Ovink, Virginia Tech; and Upali Bhattacharya, Virginia Tech
  • Author, Author – Using Star Trek to Navigate Anxieties Around AI Collaboration and Academic Authorship Timo Alexander Zwarg, Kennesaw State University; and Amer Alnajar, Kennesaw State University
  • Religious Futures: Organized Spirituality at Burning Man Paul McClure, Lynchburg College
  • Themes of Community Building and Engagement in LGBTQ+ Communities on Twitch.TV Connor Scott Grish, University of Central Florida
SSS Executive Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:30 am | Executive Boardroom

Organizers: Dawn T Robinson, University of Georgia; Anthony Peguero, Arizona State University; David L. Brunsma, Virginia Tech; Rhiannon Leebrick, Wofford College; Kendra Jason, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; James Maples, ERT; Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College; Earl Wright II, Rhodes College; Ali Sewell, Emory University; James Thomas, University of Mississippi; David G. Embrick, University of Connecticut; Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Marisela Martinez-Cola, Morehouse College; Brandon Jackson, John Jay College, CUNY; Cameron Lippard, Appalachian State University;
112. Collective Behavior and Social Movements & Political Sociology [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 1

Presider: Zoe Yvonne Grotjan, Emory University
  • Fighting Back?: The Contradictory Effects of Anti-DEI Laws on DEI Centers and Student of Color Groups at U.S. Colleges and Universities Jessica L. Schachle-Gordon, Stephen F. Austin State University; Jonathan Coley, Oklahoma State University; and Daniel Tetteh, Oklahoma State University
  • The Trajectory of Local Progressive Political Groups over Time: The Case of Indivisible in Virginia, 2017-2024 Dale Wimberley, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
  • Exploring Student Movements in Bangladesh in Relation to Political Environment through the Lens of Repression based Social Movements Aishwarya Ahmed, Oklahoma State University
  • Themes of the 15-M Movement in Foro Social Segovia Zoe Yvonne Grotjan, Emory University; and Erin McGinity, Emory University
113. Organizations, Occupations & Work and Race/Class/Gender [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 2

Presider: Reginald Byron, University of Denver
  • Promises Made, Promises Kept?: Liberal Arts Colleges' Framing of DEI Goals in 2020 and Beyond Geniece Monde, Furman University; Ellie Howard, Furman University; and Claire Volk, Furman University
  • Easy to Set Up On Your Phone: Technology, Surveillance, and Racial Capitalism Dafna Kaufman , University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; and Jaylexia Clark, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • Within Department Perceptions of Equity: A Study of Belonging, Job Satisfaction, Mentorship and DEI Initiatives Leah Bourque, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Kendra Jason, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Tehia Starker-Glass, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Charlitta Hatch, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Values at Work: Gender, Job Satisfaction & the moderating role of Gender Ideology Shagun Sethi, Purdue University; and JEREMY REYNOLDS, Purdue University
  • Legal Loopholes and the Delegitimization of Employment Discrimination Claims Reginald Byron, University of Denver; and Vincent Roscigno, Ohio State University
114. First We Survive, Then We Thrive: Sociological Insights on Resistance and Resilience Amid a Changing Social Landscape [Thematic Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 3

Organizers: Barbara Combs, Kennesaw State University; Marci B. Littlefield, Borough of Manhattan Community College;
Presider: Barbara Combs, Kennesaw State University
  • Always Making a Way out of No Way; Black Women’s fight in the Civil War America Marci B. Littlefield, Borough of Manhattan Community College; and Treasure Evans, Kennesaw State University
  • How Do Students Process Difficulty? Treasure Evans, Kennesaw State University; Lana Lauth, Kennesaw State University; Victoria Covington, Kennesaw State University; and Arthur Pena-Aguilar, Kennesaw State University
  • Sociology as Resistance Barbara Combs, Kennesaw State University
115. Social Psychology [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 4

Presider: Elizabeth Culatta, Augusta University
  • Contextualizing Responses Under Threat: The Role of Public and Private Settings in Responses to a Threat to Masculinity Madeline Raine Williams, University of Georgia
  • Employment, Relative Status, and Workers’ Sense of Hopefulness Rachel Nicole Head, The University of Tulsa
  • The Self, the Sacred, and the Profane: Constructing Identity Through Collecting Nate Chapman, arkansas tech university; and Amanda Koontz, University of Central Florida
  • Trip Planning as a Form of Gendered Labor: The Plight of a Disney Vacation Alexis Franzese, Elon University; and Trinity Barnett, Elon University
  • Coping with Transgender Identity Stigma: The Importance of Supportive Responsiveness Following Disclosure Elizabeth Culatta, Augusta University; and Carrie Reif-Stice, Augusta University
116. Applied Sociology/Evaluation Research 2 [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 5

Presider: Anthony Jerome Stone Jr., University of Memphis
  • The Right to Speak With An Attorney: Assessing the Legal Needs of Low-Income Residents in Northeast Florida Jeffry Will, University of North Florida, Center for Community Initiatives
  • Libraries as the Third Space: Impact of Radford, VA Libraries on the Community Olivia Louise Houck, Radford University; Alivia Turner, Radford University; Khalia Brown, Radford University; Sara Taylor, Radford University; Aiyana Lopez, Radford University; and Hailey Whorley, Radford University
  • Money or Life: Understanding the Physical and Mental Health Costs of Medical Debt Fahima Sultana, University of Memphis; and Jeni Loftus, University of Memphis
  • Analyzing Government-Nonprofit Collaboration: A Case Study of International Professional Exchange Programs at International House Paulyn Denise Tan Perez, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
117. Children and Youth and Crime/Deviance [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Governors 6

Presider: Ansley Lynn Coleman, Winthrop University
  • Perceptions of Campus Police at Davidson College Sophia Abigail Ludt, Davidson College
  • “What helped you the most?” A qualitative examination of open ended responses from five years of a group family therapy program for first time juvenile offenders and their parent(s) Brad Tripp,
  • Restorative Justice for Juvenile Offenders and Victims Dayannha Naigay Curry, Norfolk State University
  • Growing Behind Bars: Exploring Horticulture as Trauma-Informed Care for Juveniles Lindsay Kahle Semprevivo, Radford University
  • What are the Preventative Efforts made by Juvenile Justice Practitioners to keep Juveniles from Incarceration? Ansley Lynn Coleman, Winthrop University
Local Arrangements Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Le Meridien Private Dining Room
118. Building a Qualitative Research Laboratory at a Small Liberal Arts University [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 1

Organizer: Katherine Everhart, The University of Virginia at Wise
Presider: Katherine Everhart, The University of Virginia at Wise
  • Studying Rural Housing with Qualitative Methods Anngel Paige Gallihar, The University of Virginia at Wise
  • Belonging in Small Rural Towns in Southwest Virginia Willa Campbell, University of Virginia's College at Wise
  • Black Bodies and Racial Control: Tracing the Legacy of Eugenics to Modern Day Health Disparities Zy'Ever Wingfield, University of Virginia's College at Wise
  • Impact of Opioid Crisis in Rural Southeastern Kentucky Connor Blevins, University of Virginia's College at Wise
  • Katherine Everhart, The University of Virginia at Wise; " "
119. State of the Arts Research: Inequalities and Opportunities [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Mecklenburg Ballroom 2

Organizer: Vaughn Schmutz, UNC Charlotte
Presider: Vaughn Schmutz, UNC Charlotte
  • Coping with Devalued Expertise: Age and Contested Legitimacy Among Cultural Workers Alexandre Frenette, Vanderbilt University
  • Creating, Teaching, Managing: Domain Shifts in Artistic and Creative Work Since 2020 Rachel Skaggs, Ohio State University; and Noor Murteza, Ohio State University
  • Equitable Research to Support an Equitable Arts Ecosystem Candace Miller, Wallace Foundation
  • Arts Participation and Future Outlook Among Youth of Color Tashawna Wilkins, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Vaughn Schmutz, UNC Charlotte
  • Cultural Equity in Charlotte: Assessing the Impact of the Opportunity Fund Luis Tejada, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Hailey Dunn, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Vaughn Schmutz, UNC Charlotte
  • Patricia Banks, Mount Holyoke College; " "
120. Demystifying Publishing in Sociology Journals [Workshop]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 1

Organizers: Barbara Risman, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Institute for Advanced Studies ; Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts-Amherst;
121. Environmental Sociology 2 [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 2

Presider: Shawnee Rayann Ronyak, Norfolk State University
  • Identity and Foraging: Exploring Connections with Self and Nature in Oklahoma Olivia M. Fleming, Transylvania University ; and Tamara Mix, Oklahoma State University
  • Coming to Our Senses: Air Pollution and Health Risk Perception Natalie Blanton, University of Tennessee; Amanda Bertana, Tulane University; and Jessica Eckhardt, Western Colorado University
  • Climate Change, Heritage Vulnerabilities and Mitigations in Coastal Communities of Ghana Elvis Effah, Virginia Tech
  • What Makes A Killer: An investigation into the motivations behind serial killers Shawnee Rayann Ronyak, Norfolk State University
122. Family and Inequality [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 3

Presider: Alexis Swendener, University of Minnesota
  • Mothers and Fathers Unequal Experiences of Navigating Work from Home Jennifer Augustine, University of South Carolina; and Jully Paola Merchán Tamayo, University of South Carolina
  • Advancing the Labor Force Participation of Charlotte’s Latina Mothers: Examining Intersecting Employment & Child Care Sector Opportunities and Barriers Stephanie Potochnick, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Lennin Caro, ; Sarai Ordonez, ; Lidiz Mora, ; Andrew Gadaire, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Roger Suclupe, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Laura Armstrong, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Sofia Herrera Acosta, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Evelyn Valenzuela, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Malia Elmore, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Jasmin Walia, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Alejandra Rodriguez, University of Pennsylvania; Aparna Nair, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Devin Frey, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Housing Quality and Affordability among Same- and Different-Sex Couple Families Alexis Swendener, University of Minnesota; and Brandi Woodell, Old Dominion University
123. AMCR: Brotherhood University: Black Men's Friendships and the Transition to Adulthood [Author-Meets-Curious-Readers]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 4

Organizer: Brandon Jackson, John Jay College, CUNY
124. Crime, Law, and Deviance & Sex/Gender [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 5

Presider: Kelley Ortiz, University of Central Florida
  • Retribution or Reform? A Qualitative Analysis of Racial and Gendered Opinions towards Rehabilitative Justice Emil Cucksee, University of Alabama in Huntsville; and Robert Thomson, University of Alabama in Huntsville
  • Intimate Partner Violence at the Intersections Victoria Kurdyla, University of North Carolina-Pembroke
  • Law Enforcement Perceptions of Sexual Assault and Sex Trafficking Melissa Guinn, Middle Tennessee State University; and Rachel E. Davis, Middle Tennessee State University
  • What is helpful help? Understanding how women experience help-seeking for intimate partner violence Kelley Ortiz, University of Central Florida; Alison Cares, University of Central Florida; and Megan Haselschwerdt, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
125. Thematic: Sociology of the Future 2 [Paper Session]
Friday | 10:00 am-11:15 am | Symphony Ballroom 6

Presider: Victoria Lauraine Bechtold, Virginia Tech
  • The Doom Generation: Apocalypticism in the Climate Change Movement Uday Ahuja, Davidson College
  • Predicting the Success of Occupy Wall Street: Transforming Theory into Functions Amity James Martino, University of North Carolina-Asheville
  • Towards A Meso-Level Theory of Social Change Joanna Hunter, Radford University
  • The Future of Black Sociology Meagan Sylvester, CUNY - Queens College
  • Queering the Apocalypse: An analysis of queer prepper culture and coping in Trump’s America Victoria Lauraine Bechtold, Virginia Tech; and Victoria Weber, Virginia Tech
Food Trucks
Friday | 11:00 am-1:30 pm | Parking Lot
126. The Future of Sociology as a Profession [Presidential Plenary]
Friday | 11:30 am-12:45 pm | Symphony Ballroom 4

Organizer: Dawn T Robinson, University of Georgia
Presider: Lynn Smith-Lovin, Duke University
Changes in population demographics, higher education, academic publishing, funding streams, and politics raise the possibility of significant transformations to sociology as profession. Our professional societies are facing a variety of new and old pressures to change the way they operate. Declining numbers in the traditional college-aged population, the student debt crisis, challenges to the traditional funding models of higher education, and increasing political involvement in the content and operation of higher education, are posing significant existential threats to traditional sociology departments and degrees. A panel of sociologists with SSS and ASA luminaries with significant leadership experience in our societies will offer their insights about these challenges and about the future path of our profession. Moderator: Lynn Smith-Lovin is Robert L. Wilson Professor of Arts and Sciences in Sociology (and Psychology and Neuroscience) at Duke University. Smith-Lovin received Distinguished Career Awards from four ASA sections: Sociology of Emotions; Altruism, Morality and Social Solidarity; Social Psychology; and Mathematical Sociology. She co-edited Social Psychology Quarterly, and served as President of the Southern Sociological Society, Vice-President of the ASA, and Chair of the ASA Sections on the Sociology of Emotion and on Social Psychology. Panelists: Shelley J. Correll is the Michelle Mercer and Bruce Golden Family Professor of Women’s Leadership at Stanford University, director of the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab, co-director of Stanford Impact Labs, and incoming president of the ASA. Correll received the 2008 Distinguished Article Award from the Sex & Gender section of ASA, the 2016 Feminist Lecturer Award and 2017 Feminist Mentor Award from Sociologists for Women in Society, and 2019 President’s Award for Excellence Through Diversity at Stanford University. Larry Isaac is the Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Distinguished Professor of Sociology & Political Economy at Vanderbilt University. He is past senior editor of the American Sociological Review, Past President and Distinguished Lecturer award recipient in the SSS. The recipient of multiple ASA publication awards in Comparative-Historical, Culture, Mass Media, Labor Movements (2), and Theory (SSSP), he is known for his scholarship in social-historical change, political sociology of labor, and anti-racist civil rights movements. Larry was the 2024 SSS Roll of Honor inductee. Dr. Kendra Jason is president-elect of the Southern Sociological Society and associate professor of Sociology at UNC Charlotte. Dr. Jason’s research on organizational behavior, management, inequality and work can be found in refereed journals, technical reports, book chapters, and teaching outlets. She is a sought-out speaker on race and equity in the workplace and the editor of Race and Social Justice: Building and Inclusive College through Awareness, Advocacy, and Action (2023). Brian Powell is the James Rudy Professor of Sociology at Indiana University. An author of COUNTED OUT: Same-Sex Relations and Americans' Definitions of Family and WHO SHOULD PAY? Higher Education, Responsibility, and the Public, he served as president of the Sociological Research Association, vice-president of the ASA, and chair of the General Social Survey Board. He received distinguished career awards from three ASA sections (Social Psychology, Education and Family), the ASA Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award, and the Spencer Foundation’s inaugural Mentor Award.

  • Shelley Correll, Stanford University;
  • Larry Isaac, Vanderbilt University;
  • Kendra Jason, University of North Carolina-Charlotte;
  • Brian Powell, Indiana University Bloomington;
SSS Publications Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Executive Boardroom

Organizers: Gretchen Peterson, University of Memphis; Hiromi Taniguchi, University of Louisville;
127. Diasporic Womanism Mini-conference: Womanism at Work and in Community [Mini-Conference]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 1

Organizers: Sancha Medwinter, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Monisha Jackson, Georgia State University; Tannuja Devi Rozario, Everytown for Gun Safety;
  • Resisting Erasure: A Pilot Study Exploring How Black Womanhood Shapes Caregiving Identity in the Nursing Profession Dereika Pinder, University of Georgia
  • Labor of Care, Performance and Patrolling in the Global South Tanni Chaudhuri, Rhode Island College
  • Practicing a Womanist Method Beyond Academia Tannuja Devi Rozario, Everytown for Gun Safety
  • The generative power of ecofeminism: intersectional analysis and a justice based lens on grassroots activism Alina Caulfield, Vanderbilt University
  • Epistemic Violence and the Future of Race and Ethnicity in the Global Classroom Ashley Melcherts, Mississippi State University
128. Medical Sociology & Mental Health [Paper Session]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 2

Presider: Verna Keith, University of Alabama-Birmingham
  • Gen Z and the Pharmaceuticalization of Mental Health Catherine DeMino, University of South Carolina; and Emily Mann, University of South Carolina
  • Preventive Care Gaps: Transgender People Face Higher Risk of Diabetes due to Under- and Mistreatment in Medicine Atticus Wolfe, Agnes Scott College; Hui Sphinx, California State University - Northridge; and Anderson, Augusta State University
  • The Impact of a Neonatal Intensive Care Redesign on Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Teamwork Stephanie Teixeira-Poit, North Carolina A&T State University; Bonnie Fields, North Carolina A & T State University; Marjorie Jenkins, North Carolina A & T State University; Candace Matthews, North Carolina A & T State University; Susan Jones, North Carolina A & T State University; Lanise Myers, North Carolina A & T State University; Alexis Richardson, North Carolina A & T State University; and Bria Slade, North Carolina A & T State University
  • "Why is Gen Z so Lonely? Identifying Social Causes and Proposing Solutions to Address Loneliness Among Gen Z." Megan Smith, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Multiple Measures of Race and the Black-White Paradox in Mental Health: The Significance of Racial Classification vs. Self-Assessed, Other Assessed, and Incongruent Skin Tone Verna Keith, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Ryon Cobb, Rutgers University; and Dawne Mouzon, Rutgers University
129. Economic Sociology and Organizations, Occupations & Work [Paper Session]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 3

Presider: Alaz Kilicaslan, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  • What Makes You So Special? Organizational Distinction and the Reed College Nuclear Reactor, 1948-2024 Jack Thornton, Bryn Mawr College
  • Social Networks and Participant Motivation on Digital Platforms Chao Liu, Minnesota State University Mankato
  • Micropolitical Organizational Ecologies and Party Politics in Turkey: Understanding the Republican People’s Party in Istanbul Alaz Kilicaslan, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater; and Gokhan Mulayim, Independent Researcher
  • Predictors of Well-Being Among Correctional Officers in Massachusetts and Texas K. Brandon Lang, Commonwealth University Bloomsburg
130. Group Processes Mini-conference: Justice and Injustice [Mini-Conference]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 4
  • Formalizing Intervention Strategies Alison Bianchi, University of Iowa; and Jessica Eurich-Douglass, University of Iowa
  • Willingness to Engage: Examining In-Group and Community Dynamics in a Community-Science Partnership for Environmental Justice JJ McCauley, Coastal Carolina University; and Jennifer Mokos, Coastal Carolina University
  • Guilt, Fear, and Restitution: Moral Motives Guide Reactions to Advantageous Inequity Jody Clay-Warner, University of Georgia; and Dawn T Robinson, University of Georgia
  • Cheating to Get Further Ahead: Status and Ethics at Work Joseph Dippong, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Zara Jillani, University of Georgia
131. Collective Behavior and Social Movements 2 [Paper Session]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 5

Presider: Matthew Wadia Haacke, Rice University
  • The Experiences of Military Veterans in Intentional Communities: Why They Are Drawn to Structure and Communalism Alexandria Castro, Lander University; Celine Robinson, Lander University; Sophia Fox, Lander University; Bailey Sage, Lander University; and Zach Rubin, Lander University
  • National, State, and Local Christian Nationalist Threats to Abortion and Reproductive Justice Kimberly Kelly, Mississippi State University
  • For the Bicentenary of the Death of Saint-Simon Cayce Jamil, Johnson C. Smith University
  • Feeding the Future: Occupation of Public Space, Mutual Aid, and Community in the Fight for Change by Food Not Bombs Houston Matthew Wadia Haacke, Rice University
132. Children and Youth and Education [Paper Session]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Governors 6

Presider: Jennifer Triplett, University of South Carolina
  • Exploring Teachers’ Perspectives on Presenting American Identity to Students Fatima Hernandez, Texas Tech University
  • The Role of Culturally Responsive and Innovative Pedagogy on Racial and Socioeconomic Achievement Gaps Alyson Gonzalez, University of Southern Mississippi; and Karen Phelan Kozlowski, University of Southern Mississippi
  • Emotion Stewardship: Parents’ Navigation of Children’s Risk in a Therapeutic Culture Dakota Dougherty, North Carolina State University
  • Shedding the Reputation or Stacking Challenges?: Early Elementary Mobility Between School Types Jennifer Triplett, University of South Carolina
Nominations Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Le Meridien Private Dining Room
133. Sociology of Sex and Gender [Paper Session]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 1

Presider: Danielle Currier, Randolph College
  • Unplanned Pregnancy Resolution under Dobbs Carly Danielle Young, University of Texas-Austin
  • Exploring Leave No Trace Knowledge and Wilderness Ethic among Women Who Rock Climb James Maples, ERT; and Scott T. Grether, Longwood University
  • Confronting Masculinized Norms among Women Who Climb Scott T. Grether, Longwood University; and James Maples, ERT
  • Unsettling Masculinity: Men’s Fractured Responses to Courtship Script Collapse Sam Kendrick, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
  • Himpathy and Minimization of Harm: Narratives of Rape and Sexual Assault Danielle Currier, Randolph College
134. Zionism as a Global Project of white supremacy: A Call for a Race-centered Approach [Paper Session]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 2

Organizer: Joong Won Kim, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Presider: Joong Won Kim, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
  • The Emotional Politics of Settler-colonialism: How State Violence is Institutionalized, Reproduced, and Justified to the Publics in the Case of Palestine Anna Della Rosa, University of Memphis
  • Zionism as White Nationalism and Racial Capitalism Camille Petersen, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
  • Sociological Perspectives on Zionism, White Supremacy, and Colonialism Joong Won Kim, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

  • Camille Petersen, University of Tennessee-Knoxville;
  • Anna Della Rosa, University of Memphis;
  • Joong Won Kim, University of Tennessee-Knoxville;
  • Joong Won Kim, University of Tennessee-Knoxville; " "
135. Surviving & Thriving: Building Connections at Small & Community Colleges [Workshop]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 1

Organizer: Evelyn Perry, Rhodes College
Presider: Laura Atkins, Jacksonville University

  • Catina Galloway, Guildford Technical Community College;
  • Myra Doyle, Winston Salem State University;
  • Jennifer Melvin, Flagler College;
136. Environmental Sociology 3 [Paper Session]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 2

Presider: Kimberly Ann Haliburda, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
  • Ambiguous Harm and Community Dissension: Responses to Federal Environmental Remediation Alison Adams, University of Florida; Thomas Shriver, North Carolina State University; and Chris Messer, Colorado State University - Pueblo
  • The Effectiveness of Environmental Technologies in Combating Climate Change: A Cross-National Analysis Jamilah Danielah Christiansen, University of South Florida
  • Waiting on the Cleanup: The Superfund Program’s Impact on Local Governance Jacqueline Maria Maciel, Virginia Tech University
  • Transnational Corporate Influence, the Media, and the Future of the Energy Transition: Who Will Destroy the Disinformation Machine? Kimberly Ann Haliburda, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
137. Family and Life Course [Paper Session]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 3

Presider: Heidi Michele Williams , Virginia Tech
  • "We got to keep it moving": Coping with the Stress of Black Motherhood across the Life Course Mia Brantley, North Carolina State University
  • (Family) Ties That Bind: The Pressures of Extended Family Expectations on Adult Career Decision-Making Richard N Pitt, University of California-San Diego
  • A Gradient of Single Life: An investigation into Midlife Singlehood and Wellbeing Using a Nationally Representative Sample of Women Margaret Ralston, Mississippi State University; Megan Phillips, Mississippi State University; and Rachel Allison, Mississippi State University
  • Young adult caregiving in response to primary caregiver burnout Heidi Michele Williams , Virginia Tech; and Amelia F. Simmons, Virginia Tech
138. AMCR: Say Her Name Centering Black Feminism and Black Women in Sport [Author-Meets-Curious-Readers]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 4

Organizer: Letisha Engracia Cardoso Brown, University of Cincinnati
  • Katelyn Foltz,
  • Jeremy Brenner-Levoy, Davidson College
  • Barbara Combs, Kennesaw State University
  • Shantel Gabrieal Buggs, Florida State University
139. Crime, Law, and Deviance 1 [Paper Session]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 5

Presider: Peter Marina, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
  • Rape Myth Acceptance Change over Time in a Liberal Arts Context Delaney Haislop, Randolph-Macon College; Elizabeth Jones, Randolph-Macon College; and Brittany Nicole Freelin, Randolph-Macon College
  • Campus Sexual Assault: Longitudinal Victimization Trend Denise Bissler, Randolph-Macon College; Brittany Nicole Freelin, Randolph-Macon College; and Scott London, Randolph-Macon College
  • Protective Order Hearings: How LGBTQ+ Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Demonstrate Victimhood Olivia Terese Francis, University of Georgia
  • Being Black While Blue II: A Qualitative Examination of the Experiences of African American Police Officers Ray V. Robertson and Cassandra D. Chaney Ray Von Robertson, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University; and Cassandra Chaney, Louisiana State University
  • In the Line of Duty: Human Rights and Emergency Dispatch Peter Marina, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
140. Thematic: Sociology of the Future 3 [Paper Session]
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Ballroom 6

Presider: Paige Isabelle Ambord, University of North Carolina-Asheville
  • Designing a Sociology Internship Course: Bridging Theory and Practice Elizabeth East, University of Tennessee-Knoxville; and Meghan Conley, University of Tennessee
  • ‘Good News for people Who Love Bad News’: Sociology and the Utopian Project amid the Collapse of the Future Bria L. Young, Mississippi State University
  • Relational power and platform features: How do platform features shape race and gender gaps among content creators? Anne-Kathrin Kronberg, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Frantony Jeremy Lewis, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Leah Bourque, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Turning the Tide on Fraternity Sexual Assault? An Intervention Kristen Myers, Eastern Carolina University; Patricia S. Wallace, Northern Illinois University; Leya Essex, East Carolina University; Lily Philbrook, East Carolina University; and Rachana Charla, East Carolina University
Graduate Program Information Session
Friday | 1:00 pm-2:15 pm | Symphony Foyer
Social Currents Editorial Board
Friday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Executive Boardroom
141. Diasporic Womanism Mini Conference: Colonial Violence and Womanist Freedom Praxis [Mini-Conference]
Friday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 1

Organizers: Sancha Medwinter, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Monisha Jackson, Georgia State University; Tannuja Devi Rozario, Everytown for Gun Safety;
  • “Carried in the Spirit” Black Women’s Practices of Inner Work and Womanist Dreams of Freedom Raquel Douglas, Brown University
  • Black Feminist Auto-Narrative Methodologies and the Cultivation of Homeplace Geniece Monde, Furman University
  • From The Ritual to The Sacred: Women Reclaiming Religion, on Their Own Terms and Within Their Own Worlds Danielle Koonce, University of Maryland
142. Medical Sociology 1 [Paper Session]
Friday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 2

Presider: Blanca Brito, Texas Tech University
  • Perceptions of Mental Health Among College Student Athletes: How The Culture of College Athletics Shapes Understandings of Mental Health and Help Seeking Behavior. Angelique Ceccon U78744981, University of South Florida
  • Privatization or Digitalization? City Hospitals Under Scrutiny Seray Bircan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • A Qualitative Analysis of Male and Female Leadership within the Trauma Bay Through Trauma Video Review and T-NOTECHS Blanca Brito, Texas Tech University; Hannah King, Texas Tech University; Patricia Maloney, Texas Tech University; and Gracie Hefner, Texas Tech University
143. Health disparities and Life Course [Paper Session]
Friday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 3

Presider: Oluwaseun Temitope Emoruwa, University of Alabama-Birmingham
  • Coping with Vicarious Discrimination Across the Life Course: Spirituality and Life Satisfaction among Black Adults Myles Moody, University of Alabama-Birmingham
  • Shades of Health: Examining the Relationship Between Skin Color and Mental Health Across Immigrant Generations Oluwaseun Temitope Emoruwa, University of Alabama-Birmingham
144. Group Processes Mini-conference: Roles, Identity, and Interaction [Mini-Conference]
Friday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 4
  • The Machine Penalty: The Consequences of Seeing Artificial Intelligence As Less Than Human Daniel B. Shank, Missouri University of Science & Technology
  • Groups Activate Identities; Identities Activate Behavior: How Political Homogeneity Breeds Extremism and Apathy in American Politics Jon Overton, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; and Gideon Cunningham, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  • Gender Role Congruity or Overall Male Agency? Evidence from Affective and Cognitive Meanings Kiersten Hasenour, Duke University
  • Intention or Perception? Signaling Theory in the Online World Mohona Mandal, University of South Carolina-Columbia
145. Health disparities and Mental Health [Paper Session]
Friday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 5

Presider: Md Monir Hossain, University of Memphis
  • Higher Income to Poverty Ratio as a Barrier: Mental Health Outcomes of Rural Populations Compared to Urban Counterparts Chloe Davis, Baylor University
  • The influence of police violence on public mental health in the US Chih-Cheng Lee, University of Georgia
  • Exploring Mental Health Issues and Health-Seeking Behaviors among Bangladeshi International Students: A Qualitative Study Md Monir Hossain, University of Memphis
146. Children and Youth and Health [Paper Session]
Friday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Governors 6

Presider: Theresa Edwards-Capen, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Adolescents and Young Adults’ Experiences of Contraceptive Agency and Coercion in Healthcare Interactions in the Southeastern United States Hannah Brennen, University of South Carolina; Elexus Kelly, University of South Carolina; Mounica Katragadda, University of South Carolina School of Medicine; Kathleen Broussard, University of South Carolina; and Emily Mann, University of South Carolina
  • When Support Is Not Enough: Parental Incarceration and Perceived Social Support on Mental Health Yvonne Chen, Texas Christian University; and Fernando Clark, Southern Methodist University
  • Race, Gender, and Perceptions of Health: Investigating Their Impact on NICU Stays Brittany Nicole Stewart, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Elizabeth Baker, University of Alabama-Birmingham; Verna Keith, University of Alabama-Birmingham; and Namasivayam Ambalavanan, University of Alabama-Birmingham
  • The Perfect Storm: Generational Shifts in the Impact of Childhood/Adolescent Parental Bereavement on Relational Outcomes Theresa Edwards-Capen, University of Colorado Boulder; Christopher Purser, University of North Alabama; and Wesley James, University of Memphis
JEDI Committee Meeting [Meeting]
Friday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Le Meridien Private Dining Room

Organizers: Joanna Hunter, Radford University; Dresden Lackey, Wofford College;
147. Confronting Methodological Challenges and Maximizing Policy Impact: Reflections from Sociologists Studying Health and Wellbeing [Panel]
Friday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 1

Organizer: Amanda Gengler, Wake Forest University

  • Sarah Bowen, North Carolina State University;
  • Kendra Jason, University of North Carolina-Charlotte;
  • Amanda Gengler, Wake Forest University;
  • Cal Garrett, Wake Forest University;
  • Stephanie Teixeira-Poit, North Carolina A&T State University;
148. Black Joy [Paper Session]
Friday | 2:30 pm-3:45 pm | Mecklenburg Ballroom 2

Organizer: Will Tyson, University of South Florida
Presider: Will Tyson, University of South Florida
  • Black Joy Transcends Corporal Limitations: How Black Twitter Creates Collective Effervescence Demetrius Miles Murphy, University of Southern California
  • Non-Inclusiveness of Recreational Running: Black Women Forming Community and Solidarity in an Unwelcoming Space Tiffany Chenault, Salem State University
  • Melanin Coaster Network: Fostering Diversity and Black-Centric Community Among Roller Coaster Enthusiasts Will Tyson, University of South Florida